牛津商务英语教程:成功会谈(中国版)(Oxford Business English Skills(China Edition))

分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,职业/行业英语,商务英语,
品牌: Comfort
·页码:116 页
·外文书名:Oxford Business English Skills(China Edition)
内容简介随着我国对外开放力度的不断加大,英语学习的目的与使用范围已日趋多元化,对既熟悉国际商务又熟练掌握英语的高级复合型人才的需求也越来越大。正是基于这种广泛的社会需求,复旦大学出版社与牛津大学出版社合作,引进广受赞誉的牛津商务英语系列教程。全书分别为《成功通话》、《成功交际》 、《成功会谈》、《成功演讲》和《成功谈判》。
由复旦大学出版社引进的牛津商务英语教程(中国版)是一套面向21世纪、为培养复合型人才而编著的专业英语教材。本套书内容是根据英国约克市内一家专业语言和交际培训公司York Associates 的教材研发而成,涉及商务英语最典型的范畴,即成功通话、成功交际、成功会谈、成功演讲和成功谈判。
who's who in effective meetings
Unit 1 why are we here?
key features of and effective meeting
discussing and evaluating meetings
calling a meeting
Unit 2 where do we start?
how to open a meeting-objectives,roles,procedure
opening a meeting
opening a meeting
Unit 3 where are we going?
how to control the direction of a meeting
linking items and ideas
structuring a meeting
Unit 4 your views count
how to interrupt,and to hold the floor
interrupting and finishing a point
presenting arguments and interruption
Unit 5 keeping to the point
focusing on essentials,active listening techniques
questioning and clarifying
questionning techniques for specific information
Unit 6 what's the idea?
eliciting ideas,managing interruptions and dominant speakers
asking for ,giving and commenting on opinions
participating in a brainstorming meeting
Unit 7 making decisions
obtaining consensus and making difficult decisions
agreement and disagreement,recommendations
participating in a decision-making meeting
Unit 8 what's next?
how to end a meeting effectively
summarizing clarifying and closing
organizing and participating in a full-length meeting
supplementary exercript
answer key
vcd transcript
meetings practice extension activities