
分類: 图书,科学与自然,数学,数学分析,
品牌: Elias M.Stein、Rami Shakarchi
·页码:311 页
Foreword PrefaceChapter 1. The Genesis of Fourier Analysis 1 The vibrating string 2 The heat equation 3 Exercises 4 Problem Chapter 2. Basic Properties of Fourier Series 1 Examples and formulation of the problem 2 Uniqueness of Fourier series 3 Convolutions 4 Good kernels 5 Cesaro and Abel summability:applications to Fourier series 6 Exercises 7 ProblemChapter 3. Covergence of Fourier Series1 Mean-square convergence of Fourier Series2 Return to Pointwise Convergence3 Exercises 4 ProblemChapter 4. Some Applications of Fourier Series1 The isoperimetric inequality2 Weyl's equidistribution theorem3 A Continuous but nowhere differentiable function4 The heat equation on the circle5 Exercises7 ProblemsChapter 5. The Fourier Transform on R1 Elementary theory of the Fourier transform2 Applictions to some partial differential equations3 The poisson summation formula4 The Heisenberg uncertainty principle5 Exercises6 ProblemsChapter 6. The Fourier Transform on Rd1 Preliminaries2 Elementary of the Fourier transform3 The wave equation in Rd×R……Chapter 7 Finite Fourier AnalysisChapter 8 Dirichlet's TheoremAppendix: IntegrationNotes and ReferencesBibliographySymbol Glossary
序言Any effort to present an overall view of analysis must at its start deal with the following questions: Where does one begin? What are the initial subjects to be treated, and in what order are the relevant concepts and basic techniques to be developed? . Our answers to these questions are guided by our view of the centrality of Fourier analysis, both in the role it has played in the development of the subject, and in the fact that its ideas permeate much of the presentday analysis. For these reasons we ]lave devoted this first volume to an.