

杰弗逊政治著作选(影印本)/剑桥政治思想史原著系列  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,政治,政治理论,政治学史、政治思想史,
  品牌: 杰弗逊


·页码:623 页









内容简介Thomas Jefferson is ammong the most important and controversial of American polctical thinkers:his influence (libertarian,edmocratic,participatory,and agrarian - republican) is still felt today. A prolific writer,Jefferson left 18,000letters,Note on the State of Virginia, an Autobiography, and numerous other papers.Joyce Appleby and Terence Ball have selected the most important of these for presentation in the Cambridhe Texts series:Jefferson’s views on topics such as revolution,self - govermment,the role of women,and African - Americans and Native Americans emerge to give a fascinating insight into a man who owned slaves, yet advocated the abolitoion of slavery. The texts are supported by a concise introduction, suggestions for further reading and short biographies of key figures,all proving invaluable assistance to the student encountering the breadth and richness of Jefferson’s thought for the first time. JOYCE Appleby is Professor of History at UCLA,and a former President of the American Historical Association.TERENCE BALL is Professor of Political Science at Arizona State University,and has Previously edited the works of James Mill for the Cambridge Texts series.

作者简介Thomas Jefferson (1743~1826)is ammong the most important and controversial of American polctical thinkers:his influence (libertarian,edmocratic,participatory,and agrarian - republican) is still felt today. A prolific writer,Jefferson left 18,000letters,Note on the State of Virginia, an Autobiography, and numerous other papers.Joyce Appleby and Terence Ball have selected the most important of these for presentation in the Cambridhe Texts series:Jefferson's views on topics such as revolution,self - govermment,the role of women,and African - Americans and Native Americans emerge to give a fascinating insight into a man who owned slaves, yet advocated the abolitoion of slavery. The texts are supported by a concise introduction, suggestions for further reading and short biographies of key figures,all proving invaluable assistance to the student encountering the breadth and richness of Jefferson's thought for the first time. JOYCE Appleby is Professor of History at UCLA,and a former President of the American Historical Association.TERENCE BALL is Professor of Political Science at Arizona State University,and has Previously edited the works of James Mill for the Cambridge Texts series.





Biographical synopess

A note on sources

Bibliographical note

I.A Private Man in Public Life

II.Natural Law, Natural Right,and Revolution


IV.Moral Sense,Civic Education,and Freedom of the Press

V.The Constitutions of Virginia and France

VI.The U.S.Constiution

VII.Religious Liberty and Toleration

VIII.Political Parties

IX.Race and Slavery

X.Native Americans

XI.Women(not)in Politics

XII.Law of Nations

XIII.Innovation and Progress

XIV.Relations between Generations




序言Thomas Jefferson is surely among the most original, complex, andimportant of American political thinkers. He wrote the Declarationof Independence, served two terms as President, founded theLibrary of Congress and the University of Virginia, and was alsoan architect, inventor, scientist, and - amongst his many other com-plexities - a slave-owner who advocated the abolition of slavery.There is in American political thought a distinctly "Jeffersonian"strain - "small-l" libertarian, democratic, participatory, and ag-rarian-republican - that has long locked horns with an alternative"Hamiltonian"vision(nationalist,commercialand credit-based,and relying on a strong central government). This tension, some-times described as "Main Street vs. Wall Street," has been a stapleof American political thought for more than two centuries. Thepurpose of the present volume is to give the former a full and fairhearing by letting its main proponent speak at length for himself. To edit Jefferson's political writings is no easy task. Indeed it isdoubly difficult. First, Jefferson was a prolific writer. His completePapers, edited by Julian P. Boyd et al. (Princeton, 195o- ), haveso far taken up twenty-seven fat volumes, bringing that series up toI793 with no end in sight - he was to live another thirty-threeyears, during eight of which he was President of the United States.Second, Jefferson wrote no systematic treatise on politics.

文摘Dear Sir, - Your letter of Sep. 15. i777 from Paris comes safe tohand. We have not however had the pleasure of seeing Mr. DeCenis, the bearer of it in this country, as he joined the army inPennsylvania as soon as he arrived. I should have taken particularpleasure in serving him on your recommendation. From the kindanxiety expressed in your letter as well as from other sources ofinformation we discover that our enemies have filled Europe withThrasonic accounts of victories they had never won and conqueststhey were fated never to make. While these accounts alarmed ourfriends in Europe they afforded us diversion. We have long beenout of all fear for the event of the war. I enclose you a list of thekilled, wounded, and captives of the enemy from the commence-ment of hostilities at Lexington in April, I775, until November,I777, since which there has been no event of any consequence. Thisis the best history of the war which can be brought within thecompass of a letter. I believe the account to be near the truth, tho'it is difficult to get at the numbers lost by an enemy with absoluteprecision. Many of the articles have been communicated to us fromEngland as taken from the official returns made by their General. Iwish it were in my power to send you as just an account of our loss.But this cannot be done without an application to the war officewhich being in another county is at this time out of my reach. Ithink that upon the whole it has been about one half the numberlost by them, in some instances more, but in others less. This differ-ence is ascribed to our superiority in taking aim when we fire; everysoldier in our army having been intimate with his gun from hisinfancy. If there could have been a doubt before as to the event ofthe war it is now totally removed by the interposition of France, &the generous alliance she has entered into with us. Tho' much ofmy time is employed in the councils of America I have yet a littleleisure to indulge my fondness for philosophical s


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