量子物理中的格林函数(第3版)(影印版)(国外物理名著系列)(Green's Functions in Quantum Physics)

分類: 图书,科学与自然,数学,数学分析,
品牌: 伊科诺毛
·页码:477 页
·外文书名:Green's Functions in Quantum Physics
内容简介《量子物理中的格林函数(第3版)(影印版)》是国外物理名著系列之一。The main part of this book is devoted to the simplest kind of Green's functions, namely the solutions of linear differential equations with a delta function source. It is shown that these familiar Green's functions are a powerful tool for obtaining relatively simple and general solutions of basic quantum problems such as scattering and bound-level information. The bound-level treatment gives a clear physical understanding of "difficult" questions such as superconductivity, the Kondo effect, and, to a lesser degree, disorder-induced localization. The more advanced subject of many-body Green's functions is presented in the last part of the book.
Part Ⅰ Green's Functions in Mathematical Physics
1 Time-Independent Green's Functions
1.1 Formalism
1.2 Examples
1.2.1 Three-Dimensional Case (d=3)
1.2.2 Two-Dimensional Case (d=2)
1.2.3 One-Dimensional Case (d=1)
1.2.4 Finite Domain (2
1.3 Summary
1.3.1 Definition
1.3.2 Basic Properties
1.3.3 Methods of Calculation
1.3.4 Use
Further Reading
2 Time-Dependent Green's Functions
2.1 First-Order Case
2.1.1 Examples
2.2 Second-Order Case
2.2.1 Examples
2.3 Summary
2.3.1 Definition
2.3.2 Basic Properties
2.3.3 Definition
2.3.4 Basic Properties
2.3.5 Use
Further Reading
Part Ⅱ Green's Functions in One-Body Quantum Problems
3 Physical Significance of G.Application to the Free-Particle Case
3.1 General Relations
3.2 The Free-Particle (Ho=p2/2m) Case
3.2.1 3-d Case
3.2.2 2-d Case
3.2.3 1-d Case
3.3 The Free-Particle Klein Gordon Case
3.4 Summary
Further Reading
4 Green's Functions and Perturbation Theory
4.1 Formalism
4.1.1 Time-Independent Case
4.1.2 Time-Dependent Case
4.2 Applications
4.2.1 Scattering Theory (E0)
4.2.2 Bound State in Shallow Potential Wells (E
4.2.3 The KKR Method for Electronic Calculations in Solids.
4.3 Summary
Further Reading
5 Green's Functions for Tight-Binding Hamiltonians
5.1 Introductory Remarks
5.2 The Tight-Binding Hamiltonian (TBH)
5.3 Green's Functions
5.3.1 One-Dimensional Lattice
5.3.2 Square Lattice
5.3.3 Simple Cubic Lattice
5.3.4 Green's Functions for Bethe Lattices (Cayley Trees)
5.4 Summary
Further Reading
6 Single Impurity Scattering
6.1 Formalism
6.2 Explicit Results for a Single Band
6.2.1 Three-Dimensional Case
6.2.2 Two-Dimensional Case
6.2.3 One-Dimensional Case
6.3 Applications
6.3.1 Levels in the Gap
6.3.2 The Cooper Pair and Superconductivity
6.3.3 The Kondo Problem
6.3.4 Lattice Vibrations in Crystals Containing "Isotope" Impurities
6.4 Summary
Further Reading
7 Two or More Impurities; Disordered Systems
7.1 Two Impurities
7.2 Infinite Number of Impurities
7.2.1 Virtual Crystal Approximation (VCA)
7.2.2 Average t-Matrix Approximation (ATA)
7.2.3 Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA)
7.2.4 The CPA for Classical Waves
7.2.5 Direct Extensions of the CPA
7.2.6 Cluster Generalizations of the CPA
7.3 Summary
Further Reading
8 Electrical Conductivity and Green's Functions
8.1 Electrical Conductivity and Related Quantities
8.2 Various Methods of Calculation
8.2.1 Phenomenological Approach
8.2.2 Boltzmann's Equation
8.2.3 A General, Independent-Particle Formula for Conductivity
8.2.4 General Linear Response Theory
8.3 Conductivity in Terms of Green's Functions
8.3.1 Conductivity Without Vertex Corrections
8.3.2 CPA for Vertex Corrections
8.3.3 Vertex Corrections Beyond the CPA
8.3.4 Post-CPA Corrections to Conductivity
8.4 Summary
Further Reading
9 Localization, Transport, and Green's Functions
9.1 An Overview
9.2 Disorder, Diffusion, and Interference
9.3 Localization
9.3.1 Three-Dimensional Systems
9.3.2 Two-Dimensional Systems
9.3.3 One-Dimensional and Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems
9.4 Conductance and Transmission
9.5 Scaling Approach
9.6 Other Calculational Techniques
9.6.1 Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems and Scaling
9.6.2 Level Spacing Statistics
9.7 Localization and Green's Functions
9.7.1 Green's Function and Localization in One Dimension .
9.7.2 Renormalized Perturbation Expansion (RPE) and Localization
9.7.3 Green's Functions and Transmissions in Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems
9.8 Applications
9.9 Summary
Further Reading
Part Ⅲ Green's Functions in Many-Body Systems
10 Definitions
10.1 Single-Particle Green's Functions in Terms of Field Operators
10.2 Green's Functions for Interacting Particles
10.3 Green's Functions for Noninteracting Particles
10.4 Summary
Further Reading
11 Properties and Use of the Green's Functions
11.1 Analytical Properties of gs and gs
11.2 Physical Significance and Use of gs and gs
11.3 Quasiparticles
11.4 Summary
11.4.1 Properties
11.4.2 Use
Further Reading
12 Calculational Methods for g
12.1 Equation of Motion Method
12.2 Diagrammatic Method for Fermions at T=0
12.3 Diagrammatic Method for T≠0
12.4 Partial Summations. Dyson's Equation
12.5 Other Methods of Calculation
12.6 Summary
Further Reading
13 Applications
13.1 Normal Fermi Systems. Landau Theory
13.2 High-Density Electron Gas
13.3 Dilute Fermi Gas
13.4 Superconductivity
13.4.1 Diagrammatic Approach
13.4.2 Equation of Motion Approach
13.5 The Hubbard Model
13.6 Summary
Further Reading
A Dirac's delta Function
B Dirac's bra and ket Notation
C Solutions of Laplace and Helmholtz Equations in Various Coordinate Systems
C.1 Helmholtz Equation
C.1.1 Cartesian Coordinates
C.1.2 Cylindrical Coordinates
C.1.3 Spherical coordinates
C.2 Vector Derivatives
C.2.1 Spherical Coordinates
C.2.2 Cylindrical Coordinates
C.3 Schrodinger Equation in Centrally Symmetric 3-and 2-Dimensional Potential V
D Analytic Behavior of G(z) Near a Band Edge
E Wannier Functions
F Renormalized Perturbation Expansion (RPE)
G Boltzmann's Equation
H Transfer Matrix, S-Matrix, etc
I Second Quantization
Solutions of Selected Problems