
分類: 图书,外语 ,大学英语 ,大学英语教材,
作者: 王奇民 编著
出 版 社: 科学出版社
出版时间: 2008-1-1字数:版次: 1页数: 398印刷时间:开本: 16开印次: 1纸张:I S B N : 9787030206893包装: 平装内容简介
Volume 1 British Society and Culture
Section 1 United Kingdom:Land and People
第一部分 英国国土与人民
Chapter 1 United Kingdom:Land and People
1.Confusing Names
2.Countries within a Country
3.Geographical Features
4.The Climate
5.The People in UK
6.Characteristics ofthe British
7.Famous Landmarks
Section 2 British History
第二部分 英国历史
Chapter 2 The Origins of the British Nation
1.Early Settlers
2.Roman Britain
3.The Anglo-Saxon Britain
4.The Viking and Danish Invasion
Chapter 3 The Shaping of the Nation
1.The Norman Conquest
2.The Rule ofLaw
3.The Birth ofParliament
4.The Hundred Years’War
5.WarS ofRoses
Chapter 4 Transition to Modern Era
1.The Tudor Monarchy
2.The English Renaissance
3.The Reformation ofthe Church
4.Elizabethan Age
5.English Revolution
6.The Commonwealth.
7.The Glorious Revolution of 1688
Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
1.The Agricultural Revolution
2.The Industrial Revolution
3.The Chartist Movement
4.The Rise ofthe British Empire
5.From Empire to Commonwealth
Section 3 British Political Institutions
第三部分 英国的政府与政治
Chapter 6 Government and Politics of UK
1.The Constitutional Monarchy
2.The Monarch
3.The House ofLords
4.Tlle House ofCommons
5.Parliamentary Government
Section 4 British SociaI and Cultural Lifo
第四部分 英国的社会与文化生活
Chapter 7 British SociaI Life
1.Family and Life
2.Social CUStoms and Etiquettes
3.Religions and Beliefs
4.British Economy
5.British Social Welfare
6.Justice and Law
Chapter 8 British Cultural Life
1.Education in Britain
2.Tlle British Public Media
3.British Leisure Activities
4.Holidays and Festivals
5.British Food and Drinks
1.Images ofthe united states
2.Symbols ofthe United States
Volume 2 American Socieyt and Culture
Section 1 The United States:Land and People
第一部分 美国国土与人民
Chapter 1 United States:the Land
1.Location and Size
2.Geographical Features
3.State Regions
4.Natural Resources
5.The Climate
6.National Landmarks
Chapter 2 United States:The“Melting Pot”
1.Here They Come!
2.“A Nation ofNations”
3.Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
4.American National Characteristics
5.Basic American Values and Beliefs
Section 2 American History
第二部分 美国历史
Chapter 3 The Founding of a Nation
1.The Discovery
2.The Founding of 13 Colonies
3.The American Revolution
4.The Founding ofa Nation
5.Jeffersonian Democracy
6.The Second War with England
Chapter 4 “From Rags to Riches”
1.Westward Expansion
2.The Civil War
3.An Industrial Giant
4.The Progressive Movement
Chapter 5 America in the Twentieth Century
1.America during World War Ⅰ
2.“From Riches to Rags”
3.America during World War Ⅱ
4.Cold War and American Containment
5.From Camelot to Watergate
6.From New Right toward a New Millennium
Section 3 United States Political Institutions
第三部分 美国的政府与政治
Chapter 6 American Political and Government System
1.American Constitution
2.American Federal Govemment
3.Bipartisan Politics
4.Presidential Elections
Section 4 American Social and Cultural Life
第四部分 美国的社会与文化生活
Chapter 7 American SociaI Life
1.Family and Life
2.Social Securiy-A Built-in Stabilizer
3.“Free Market of Religion”
4.Justice and Law
5.Overview ofAmerican Economy
Chapter 8 American CulturaI Life
1.American Education-A System ofNo System
2.American Wav OfLife
3.American Manners and Courtesies in Social Life
4.Holidays and Festivals
Timeline of Monarchs of Britain
Timeline of American Presidents