
TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)(CCIE职业发展系列)

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  分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,科普,
  品牌: 多伊尔(Doyle.J)


·页码:945 页










内容简介《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》深入系统地阐述了TCP/IP路由技术,内容包括几种重要的网络协议,如外部网关协议(EGP)、边界网关协议(BGP4),以及相应的高级IP路由技术与应用——网络地址转换、IP组播路由技术、IPv6技术、路由器管理等。《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》共分9章,首先介绍并讨论了有关主题的基本原理,接着是设计用来展示实际网络环境中相关概念的一系列配置范例,最后提供给读者经实践验证过的故障排除方法以解决网络可能会出现的问题。重点介绍了自治系统之间的路由选择策略以及诸如组播和IPv6等更具挑战性的路由选择和实施技术。

《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》内容全面,可读性强,含有协议配置、网络实施、故障排除等方面的大量实例,是备战CCIE认证考试的经典之作,适合准备参加CCIE考试的人员、网络与通信系统工程技术人员阅读。

作者简介Jeff Doyle,CCIE #1919, is a Professional Services Consultant with Juniper Networks, Inc. in Denver,Colorado. Specializing in IP routing protocols and MPLS Traffic Engineering, Jeff has helped design andimplement large-scale Internet service provider networks throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.Jeff has also lectured on advanced networking technologies at service provider forums such as the NorthAmerican Network Operators' Group (NANOG) and the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference onOperational Technologies (APRICOT). Prior to joining Juniper Networks, Jeff was a Senior Network Sys-tems Consultant with International Network Services. Jeff can be contacted at jeff@juniper.net.Jennifer DeHaven Carroll, is a principal consultant with Lucent technologies and is a Cisco CertifiedInternetwork Expert (CCIE # 1402). She has planned, designed, and implemented many large networksover the past 13 years. She has also developed and taught theory and Cisco implementation classes on allIP routing protocols. Jenny can be reached at jennifer.carroll@ieee.org.About the Technical Reviewers

Henry Benjamin, CCIE #4695, CCNA, CCDA, B. Eng., is a Cisco certified Interuet Expert and an IT Net-work Design Engineer for Cisco Systems, Inc. He has more than eight years of experience in Cisco net-works, including planning, designing, and implementing large IP networks running IGRP, EIGRP, andOSPF. Currently Henry is working for the IT design team internally at Cisco in Sydney, Australia. Henryholds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Sydney University.Peter J. Moyer, CCIE #3286, is a Professional Services Consultant for Juniper Networks, where hedesigns and implements large-scale ISP networks. In addition to his consulting work, Peter has developedand delivered advanced IP training courses and IP network design seminars to Juniper customers andpartners. He has presented at networking conferences on such advanced topics as MPLS. Before joiningJuniper, Peter was a Senior Network Consultant for International Network Services (INS), where hedesigned and implemented large-scale enterprise networks. Peter holds a Bachelor of Science degree inComputer and Information Science from the University of Maryland.

编辑推荐《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》都将帮助您理解各种基本概念,并应用各种最佳实践技巧来应对网络的日益增长和有效管理等问题。掌握BGP一4(事实上的域间路由协议标准)的操作、配置及故障检测与排除:理解NAT的操作、配置及故障检测与排除:通过一系列案例研究及练习题来理解IP多播路由的部署、配置及故障检测与排除:熟悉IPv6(下一代IP协议)的设计目标以及当前的发展状态:通过大量经专家验证的方法来管理路由器:通过大量实用且全面的复习题、配置练习题及故障检测与排除练习题来测试和验证各种所学知识:在掌握高级TCP/IP路由技术的同时,还可以进一步加强CCJE的认证准备工作。

为了管理日益增大的互连网络,需要全面理解路由器的操作行为。理解外部网关协议的各种复杂运行机制。包括TCP连接、消息状态、路径属性、内部路由协议互操作,以及建立邻居连接等内容。《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》为读者全面理解BGP-4(边界网关协议版本4)、多播路由、NAT(网络地址转换)、IPv6,以及有效管理路由器等提供了各种翔实的专业知识。JeffDoyIe丰富的实践经验,易于阅读的写作风格及内容全面的论述,使得《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》成为所有网络专家的案头宝典。

《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》大大扩展了第一卷的主题内容:网络增长所带来的可扩展性和管理性要求。第二卷从第一卷的内部网关协议扩展到了自治系统间的路由协议,以及包括多播和IPv6在内的许多特殊路由问题。并且沿用了在第一卷中所采取的有效的信息组织结构,即在讨论完主题基础知识之后。辅之以一系列能充分展现现实网络世界中各种概念的配置案例。并通过各种经过验证的故障检测与排除方法来解决网络中可能出现的各种问题。《TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)》不但可以帮助广大读者在自己的名字之后获得极具价值的CCIE号。而且还能帮助大家掌握现实网络中所需的大量专家级网络知识和技巧。无论您是在准备CCIE认证考试,还是在准备CCIE再认证考试,或是在寻求有关高级路由问题的专家建议。


Part Ⅰ Exterior Gateway Protocols

Chapter 1 Exterior Gateway Protocol

The Origins of EGP

Operation of EGP

EGP Topology Issues

EGP Functions

EGP Message Formats

Shortcomings of EGP

Configuring EGP

Case Study: An EGP Stub Gateway

Case Study: An EGP Core Gateway

Case Study: Indirect Neighbors

Case Study: Default Routes

Troubleshooting EGP

Interpreting the Neighbor Table

Case Study: Converging at the Speed of Syrup

End Notes

Looking Ahead

Review Questions

Configuration Exercises

Troubleshooting Exercise

Chapter 2 Introduction to Border Gateway Protocol 4

Classless Interdomain Routing

A Summarization Summary

Classless Routing

Summarization: The Good, the Bad, and the Asymmetric

The Internet: Still Hierarchical After All These Years

CIDR: Reducing Routing Table Explosion

CIDR: Reducing Class B Address Space Depletion

Difficulties with CIDR

Who Needs BGP?

A Single-Homed Autonomous System

Multihoming to a Single Autonomous System

Multihoming to Multiple Autonomous Systems

A Note on “Load Balancing”

BGP Hazards

BGP Basics

BGP Message Types

The BGP Finite State Machine

Path Attributes

Administrative Weight


The BGP Decision Process

Route Dampening

IBGP and IGP Synchronization

Managing Large-Scale BGP Peering

Peer Groups


Route Reflectors


BGP Message Formats

The Open Message

The Update Message

The Keepalive Message

The Notification Message

End Notes

Looking Ahead

Recommended Reading

Review Questions

Chapter 3 Configuring and Troubleshooting Border Gateway Protocol 4

Basic BGP Configuration

Case Study: Peering BGP Routers

Case Study: Injecting IGP Routes into BGP

Case Study: Injecting BGP Routes into an IGP

Case Study: IBGP without an IGP

Case Study: IBGP Over an IGP

Case Study: EBGP Multihop

Case Study: Aggregate Routes

Managing BGP Connections

Routing Policies

Resetting BGP Connections

Case Study: Filtering Routes by NLRI

Case Study: Filtering Routes by AS_PATH

Case Study: Filtering with Route Maps

Case Study: Administrative Weights

Case Study: Administrative Distances and Backdoor Routes

Case Study: Using the LOCAL_PREF Attribute 241

Case Study: Using the MULTI_EXIT_DISC Attribute

Case Study: Prepending the AS_PATH

Case Study: Route Tagging

Case Study: Route Dampening

Large-Scale BGP

Case Study: BGP Peer Groups

Case Study: BGP Communities

Case Study: Private AS Numbers

Case Study: BGP Confederations

Case Study: Route Reflectors

Looking Ahead

Recommended Reading

Command Summary

Configuration Exercises

Troubleshooting Exercises

Part Ⅱ Advanced IP Routing Issues

Chapter 4 Network Address Translation

Operation of NAT

Basic NAT Concepts

NAT and IP Address Conservation

NAT and ISP Migration

NAT and Multihomed Autonomous Systems

Port Address Translation

NAT and TCP Load Distribution

NAT and Virtual Servers

NAT Issues

Header Checksums




Protocol-Specific Issues

Configuring NAT

Case Study: Static NAT

Case Study: Dynamic NAT

Case Study: A Network Merger

Case Study: ISP Multihoming with NAT

Port Address Translation

Case Study: TCP Load Balancing

Case Study: Service Distribution

Troubleshooting NAT

End Note

Looking Ahead

Command Summary

Configuration Exercises

Troubleshooting Exercises

Chapter 5 Introduction to IP Multicast Routing

Requirements for IP Multicast

Multicast IP Addresses

Group Membership Concepts

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

Cisco Group Membership Protocol (CGMP)

Multicast Routing Issues

Multicast Forwarding

Multicast Routing

Sparse Versus Dense Topologies

Implicit Joins Versus Explicit Joins

Source-Based Trees Versus Shared Trees

Multicast Scoping

Operation of the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP)

Neighbor Discovery and Maintenance

The DVMRP Routing Table

DVMRP Packet Forwarding

DVMRP Message Formats

Operation of Multicast OSPF (MOSPF)

MOSPF Basics

Inter-Area MOSPF


MOSPF Extension Formats

Operation of Core-Based Trees (CBT)

CBT Basics

Finding the Core

CBT Designated Routers

Member and Nonmember Sources

CBT Message Formats

Introduction to Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)

Operation of Protocol Independent Multicast, Dense Mode (PIM-DM)

PIM-DM Basics

Prune Overrides

Unicast Route Changes

PIM-DM-Designated Routers

PIM Forwarder Election

Operation of Protocol Independent Multicast, Sparse Mode (PIM-SM)

PIM-SM Basics

Finding the Rendezvous Point

PIM-SM and Shared Trees

Source Registration

PIM-SM and Shortest Path Trees

PIMv2 Message Formats

End Notes

Looking Ahead

Recommended Reading

Command Summary

Review Questions

Chapter 6 Configuring and Troubleshooting IP Multicast Routing

Configuring IP Multicast Routing

Case Study: Configuring Protocol-Independent Multicast, Dense Mode (PIM-DM)

Configuring Protocol-Independent Multicast, Sparse Mode (PIM-SM)

Case Study: Multicast Load Sharing

Troubleshooting IP Multicast Routing

Using mrinfo

Using mtrace and mstat

Looking Ahead

Configuration Exercises

Troubleshooting Exercises

Chapter 7 Large-Scale IP Multicast Routing

Multicast Scoping

Case Study: Multicasting Across Non-Multicast Domains

Connecting to DVMRP Networks

Inter-AS Multicasting

Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP (MBGP)

Operation of Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)

MSDP Message Formats

Case Study: Configuring MBGP

Case Study: Configuring MSDP

Case Study: MSDP Mesh Groups

Case Study: Anycast RP

Case Study: MSDP Default Peers

Command Summary

End Notes

Looking Ahead

Review Questions

Chapter 8 IP Version 6

Design Goals of IPv6

Improve Scalability

Ease of Configuration


Current State of IPv6

IPv6 Specification (RFCs)

Vendor Support


IPv6 Packet Format

The IPv6 Address

Address Structure

IPv6 Header

IPv6 Functionality

Enabling IPv6 Capability on a Cisco Router


Neighbor Discovery



The Anycast Process


Quality of Service

Transition from IPv4 to IPv6

Dual Stacks


IPv6 Tunneled in IPv4

Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation

End Notes

Looking Ahead

Recommended Reading

Review Questions

Chapter Bibliography

Chapter 9 Router Management

Policies and Procedure Definition

Service Level Agreements

Change Management

Escalation Procedures

Updating Policies

Simple Network Management Protocol

Overview of SNMP


Router Configuration for SNMP


Overview of RMON

Router Configuration for RMON



Overview of Syslog

Router Configuration for Syslog

Network Time Protocol

Overview of NTP

Router Configuration for NTP


IP Accounting


Configuration Management

Fault Management

Performance Management

Security Management

Password Types and Encryption

Controlling Interactive Access

Minimizing Risks of Denial-of-Service Attacks



Secure Shell

Designing Servers to Support Management Processes

Network Robustness



Recommended Reading

End Notes

Looking Ahead

Command Summary

Review Questions

Configuration Exercises


Part Ⅲ Appendixes

Appendix A The show ip bgp neighbors Display

Appendix B A Regular-Expression Tutorial

Literals and Metacharacters

Delineation: Matching the Start and End of Lines

Bracketing: Matching a Set of Characters 816

Negating: Matching Everything Except a Set of Characters

Wildcard: Matching Any Single Character

Alternation: Matching One of a Set of Characters

Optional Characters: Matching a Character That May or May Not Be There

Repetition: Matching a Number of Repeating Characters

Boundaries: Delineating Literals

Putting It All Together: A Complex Example

Recommended Reading

Appendix C Reserved Multicast Addresses

Internet Multicast Addresses



Appendix D Answers to Review Questions

Answers to Chapter 1 Review Questions

Answers to Chapter 2 Review Questions

Answers to Chapter 5 Review Questions

Answers to Chapter 7 Review Questions

Answers to Chapter 8 Review Questions

Answers to Chapter 9 Review Questions

Appendix E Answers to Configuration Exercises

Answers to Chapter 1 Configuration Exercises

Answers to Chapter 3 Configuration Exercises

Answers to Chapter 4 Configuration Exercises

Answers to Chapter 6 Configuration Exercises

Answers to Chapter 9 Configuration Exercises

Appendix F Answers to Troubleshooting Exercises

Answer to Chapter 1 Troubleshooting Exercise

Answers to Chapter 3 Troubleshooting Exercises

Answers to Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Exercises

Answers to Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Exercises




TCP/IP 路由技术 (第2卷)(英文版)(精)(CCIE职业发展系列)

Of course, in real life, few corporations the size of the one depicted in Figure 2-9 have theluxury of being designed "from the ground up" in such a c

ordinated, logical fashion.Many, if not most, large internetworks have evolved from smaller internetworks that havebeen merged as divisions and corporations have merged. The result is that different networkadministrators have made different design choices for the various parts of the internetwork;when the parts are merged, the first order of business is basic interoperability.The second order of business might be the enforcement of routing policies. Some trafficfrom some domains of the internetwork to other domains may be required to always prefercertain links or routes, for example, or perhaps only certain routes should be advertisedbetween domains. In most cases, the necessary policies can still be implemented withredistribution between IGPs and tools such as route filters and route maps. You shouldimplement BGP only when a sound engineering reason compels you to do so, such as whenthe IGPs do not provide the tools necessary to implement the required routing policies orwhen the size of the routing tables cannot be controlled with summarization. BGP provesuseful, for instance, when many different IGPs are used in the domains. Here, BGP mightbe simpler to implement than attempting to redistribute among all the IGPs.When considering whether BGP is necessary in an intemetwork design, keep in mind whyexterior routing protocols were invented in the first place. Exterior routing protocols areused to route between autonomous systems——that is, between internetwork domains underdifferent administrative authorities. In a single corporate intemetwork, even a large onewith different domains under different local administrations, there is usually enough of acentralized authority to impose routing policy using the tools available with interior routingprotocols. W


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