

仿真建模与分析(第4版)(清华版双语教学用书)(清华版双语教学用书)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,计算机与互联网,计算机控制仿真与人工智能,计算机仿真,
  品牌: 劳尔(Law.A.M.)


·页码:734 页













Chapter 1 Basic Simulation Modeling

1.1 The Nature of Simulation

1.2 Systems, Models, and Simulation

1.3 Discrete-Event Simulation

1.3.1 Time-Advance Mechanisms

1.3.2 Components and Organization of a Discrete-Event Simulation Model

1.4 Simulation of a Single-Server Queueing System

1.4.1 Problem Statement

1.4.2 Intuitive Explanation

1.4.3 Program Organization and Logic

1.4.4 C Program

1.4.5 Simulation Output and Discussion

1.4.6 Alternative Stopping Rules

1.4.7 Determining the Events and Variables

1.5 Simulation of an Inventory System

1.5.1 Problem Statement

1.5.2 Program Organization and Logic

1.5.3 C Program

1.5.4 Simulation Output and Discussion

1.6 Steps in a Sound Simulation Study

1.7 Other Types of Simulation

1.7.1 Continuous Simulation

1.7.2 Combined Discrete-Continuous Simulation

1.7.3 Monte Carlo Simulation

1.8 Advantages, Disadvantages, and Pitfalls of Simulation

Appendix 1A: A Primer on Queueing Systems

1A.1 Components of a Queueing System

1A.2 Notation for Queueing Systems

1A.3 Measures of Performance for Queueing Systems


Chapter 2 Modeling Complex Systems

2.1 Introduction

2.2 List Processing in Simulation

2.2.1 Approaches to Storing Lists in a Computer

2.2.2 Linked Storage Allocation

2.3 A Simple Simulation Language: simlib

2.4 Single-Server Queueing Simulation with simlib

2.4.1 Problem Statement

2.4.2 simlib Program

2.4.3 Simulation Output and Discussion

2.5 Time-Shared Computer Model

2.5.1 Problem Statement

2.5.2 simlib Program

2.5.3 Simulation Output and Discussion

2.6 Multiteller Bank With Jockeying

2.6.1 Problem Statement

2.6.2 simlib Program

2.6.3 Simulation Output and Discussion

2.7 Job-Shop Model

2.7.1 Problem Statement

2.7.2 simlib Program

2.7.3 Simulation Output and Discussion

2.8 Efficient Event-List Manipulation

Appendix 2A: C Code for simlib


Chapter 3 Simulation Software

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Comparison of Simulation Packages with Programming Languages

3.3 Classification of Simulation Software

3.3.1 General-Purpose vs. Application-Oriented Simulation Packages

3.3.2 Modeling Approaches

3.3.3 Common Modeling Elements

3.4 Desirable Software Features

3.4.1 General Capabilities

3.4.2 Hardware and Software Requirements

3.4.3 Animation and Dynamic Graphics

3.4.4 Statistical Capabilities

3.4.5 Customer Support and Documentation

3.4.6 Output Reports and Graphics

3.5 General-Purpose Simulation Packages

3.5.1 Arena

3.5.2 Extend

3.5.3 Other General-Purpose Simulation Packages

3.6 Object-Oriented Simulation

Chapter 4 Review of Basic Probability and Statistics

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Random Variables and Their Properties

4.3 Simulation Output Data and Stochastic Processes

4.4 Estimation of Means, Variances, and Correlations

4.5 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests for the Mean

4.6 The Strong Law of Large Numbers

4.7 The Danger of Replacing a Probability Distribution by its Mean

Appendix 4A: Comments on Covariance-Stationary Processes


Chapter 5 Building Valid, Credible, and Appropriately Detailed Simulation Models

5.1 Introduction and Definitions

5.2 Guidelines for Determining the Level of Model Detail

5.3 Verification of Simulation Computer Programs

5.4 Techniques for Increasing Model Validity and Credibility

5.4.1 Collect High-Quality Information an Data on the System

5.4. Interact with the Manager on a Regular Basis

5.4.3 Maintain a Written Assumptions Document and Perform a Structured Walk-Through

5.4.4 Validate Components of the Model by Using Quantitative Techniques

5.4.5 Validate the Output from the Overall Simulation Model

5.4.6 Animation

5.5 Management's Role in the Simulation Process

5.6 Statistical Procedures for Comparing Real-World Observations and Simulation Output Data

5.6.1 Inspection Approach

5.6.2 Confidence-Interval Approach Based on Independent Data


Chapter 8 Generating Random Variates

Chapter 9 Output Data Anlaysis for a Single System

Chapter 10 Comparing Alternative System Configurations

Chapter 11 Variance-Reduction Techniques

Chapter 12 Experimental Design and Optimization

Chapter 13 Simulation of Manufacturing Systems




序言仿真建模与分析(Simulation Modeling&Analysis)的第四版问世了。正如作者在序言中所言,与第三版一样,第四版对离散事件系统仿真研究的所有重要方面给出了综合性的最新论述,包括建模、仿真软件、模型校验和确认、输入建模、随机数发生器、随机变量与随机过程的产生、统计设计与仿真实验分析,以及像制造这一类主要工业领域的应用等。






(5)关于随机变量的产生,第四版增加了一种新舍选法一一均匀比法(ratio-of-uniforms method)。

(61在多系统比较方面,第四版修订了排序及选择程序(ranking and selection procedure),以允许公共随机数(CRN)用于跨系统配置等,对基于公共随机数的方差减少技术的实现给出了更为详细且实用的讨论。



Figure 2.8 shows init_model, which begins by setting the num_custs_delayed counter to 0 for the number of delays observed. The first arrival event is then sched-uled by invoking event_schedule with the desired event time (a float) as the first ar-gument and the event type (an int) as the second argument; note that adding sire_time to the generated exponential interarrival time in the first argument is not strictly necessary here since sim_time is now zero, but we write it this way to show the general form and to emphasize that the first argument of event_schedule is the (absolute) time in the simulated future when the event is to occur, not the interval of time from now until then. In Chap. 1 wehad to set the time of impossible events to(actually, 1030), but now we simply leave them out of the event list, ensuring that they cannot be chosen to happen next. Thus, we just do not schedule a departure event at all here.

In Fig. 2.9 is the code for event function arrive, which begins by using event_schedule to schedule the next arrival event, in a manner similar to that in init_model (here, adding sim_time to the generated exponential interarrival time is necessary since sim_time will be positive). We then check to see whether the server is busy, by asking whether the server list contains a (dummy) record; this is done by checking whether list_size[LIST_SERVER] is equal to 1. If so, the arriving cus- tomer must join the end of the queue, which is done by placing the time of arrival (the current clock value, sim time) into the first location of the transfer array, and by filing this record at the end (option = LAST = 2) of the queue list (list = LIST_QUEUE = 1). Note that we do not have to check for overflow of the queue here since simlib is automaticallyallocating storage dynamically for the lists as it is needed. On the other hand, if the server is idle, the customer experiences a delay


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