中华人民共和国电力行业标准 DL/T 5370-2007水电水利工程施工通用安全技术规程(英文版)
分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,科普,
品牌: 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会
·页码:278 页
内容简介《中华人民共和国电力行业标准 DL/T 5370-2007水电水利工程施工通用安全技术规程(英文版)》内容简介:This Standard is a revision of Technical Code for Installation Safety in Water Resources and Hydropower Project (SD 267-1988) (hereinafter to be referred to as Original Code) according to the requirement of "Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards in 2006 (Document 1093, 2006) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.
Since the implementation of the former Standard, it has greatly promoted good normative role for promoting safe and civilized construction of hydroelectric and hydraulic construction enterprises and effectively controls of various accidents. In recent decade and more, with the continuous improvement of safety laws and regulations and the wide application of new techniques, new technologies, advanced equipment, new material in hydroelectric and hydraulic construction, safe production technology need updating. In order to guarantee the effectiveness and practicability of the code, it is necessary to improve and perfect the original code.
编辑推荐《中华人民共和国电力行业标准 DL/T 5370-2007水电水利工程施工通用安全技术规程(英文版)》是由中国电力出版社出版的。
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 General
5 Construction Site
5.1 General Regulations
5.2 Layout of Construction Site
5.3 Access Road and Traffic
5.4 Occupational Health and Environmental Protection
5.5 Fire Control
5.6 Seasonal Construction
5.7 Flood Control
5.8 Construction Drainage
5.9 Civilized Construction
5.10 Site Security
6 Power, Water, Air Supply and Communication in Construction
6.1 General Regulations on Construction Power Supply
6.2 Eat'thing (Neutral Connection) and Lightning Protection System.
6.3 Transformer and Distribution Room
6.4 Power Line Laying
6.5 Distribution Box, Switch Box and Lighting
6.6 Electric Machines and Hand-held Electric Tools
6.7 Water Supply
6.8 Air Supply
6.9 Construction Communication
7 Safety Protective Facilities
7.1 General Regulations
7.2 Operation at Height
7.3 Construction Scaffold
7.4 Construction Access, Trestle and Ladder
7.5 Railing, Cover and Protective Shed
7.6 Protective Appliance
8 Installation and Operation of Large Construction Plant
8.1 General Regulations
8.2 Operation of Plant
8.3 Aggregate Production Plant
8.4 Concrete Batching Plant
8.5 Gantry (Tower) Crane
8.6 Cable Crane
8.7 Tower Belt Crane and Belt Conveying System
8.8 Overhead (Gantry) Crane
8.9 Management of Special Equipment
9 Hoisting and Transportation
9.1 General Regulations
9.2 Lifting Machines and Devices
9:3 Road Transport
9.4 Cableway Transport
9.5 Belt Transport
9.6 Ship Transport
10 Explosive Materials and Blasting
10.1 General Regulations
10.2 Magazines
10.3 Management of Explosive Materials
10.4 Blasting
10.5 Safety Distance for Blasting
10.6 Demolition Blasting
10.7 Underwater Blasting
11 Welding and Gas Cutting
11.1 General Regulations
11.2 Field and Equipment for Welding and Cutting
11.3 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
11.4 Submerged Arc Welding
11.5 Gas Shielded Welding
11.6 Carbon Arc Air Gouging
11.7 Gas Welding and Gas Cutting
11.8 Oxygen and Acetylene Combined Supply System
12 Boiler and Pressure Vessel
12.1 General Regulations
12.2 Installation of Boiler
12.3 Operation of Boiler
12.4 Pressure Vessel
12.5 Gas Cylinder
13 Management of Hazardous Articles
13.1 General Regulations
13.2 Flammable Articles
13.3 Toxic and Hazardous Articles
13.4 Radioactive Articles
13.5 Oil Storage Management
序言This Standard is a revision of Technical Code for Installation Safety in Water Resources and Hydropower Project (SD 267-1988) (hereinafter to be referred to as Original Code) according to the requirement of "Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards in 2006 (Document 1093, 2006) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.
Since the implementation of the former Standard, it has greatly promoted good normative role for promoting safe and civilized construction of hydroelectric and hydraulic construction enterprises and effectively controls of various accidents. In recent decade and more, with the continuous improvement of safety laws and regulations and the wide application of new techniques, new technologies, advanced equipment, new material in hydroelectric and hydraulic construction, safe production technology need updating. In order to guarantee the effectiveness and practicability of the code, it is necessary to improve and perfect the original code.
After revising, the former Standard is divided into 4 standards: DL/T 5370——2007 General Technical Specification for Safety of Hydroelectric and Hydraulic Engineering Construction, DL/T 5371—— 2007 Technical Code of Safety for Hydroelectric and Hydraulic Civil Construction Engineering, DL/T 5372——2007 Technical Specification for Safety of Installation of Matal Structure and Mechanical & Electrical Equipment of Hydroelectric and Hydraulic Engineering.
recycling and destruction of flammable and explosive materials.
5.5.11 Safety distance between operation areas and buildings for fire control shall be in accordance with the following regulations:
1 Operation area with fire shall be 25 m away from the buildings under construction and other areas.
2 Warehouses and storage yard for flammable and combustible materials shall be at least 20 m away from the buildings under construction and other areas.
3 Area where flammable materials concentrates shall be 30 m away from the buildings under construction and other areas.
5.5.12 Gas station and storage tank site shall conform to the following regulations:
1 The safety distance for fire prevention from a separate building to other facilities and buildings shall not be less than 50 m.
2 Barrier wall and guardrail not lower than 2.0 m shall be set up around.
3 The road in storage tank site shall be a circuit route with width not less than 3.5 m; special fire fighting access shall be provided and be kept clear.
4 The container shall be equipped with safety devices, such as respiratory valve and fire barrier.