DL/T5115-2008 混凝土面板堆石坝接缝止水技术规范(英文版)

分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,科普,
品牌: 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会
·页码:27 页
内容简介《DL/T5115-2008 混凝土面板堆石坝接缝止水技术规范(英文版)》内容简介:This Standard is a revison and prepared by requirement of "Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards in 2005 (Document 738, 2005) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.
编辑推荐《DL/T5115-2008 混凝土面板堆石坝接缝止水技术规范(英文版)》是由中国电力出版社出版的。
1 Scope
2 Normative Reference
3 Terms and Definitions
4 General Principles
5 Joint Waterstop Structure
5.1 Type of joint waterstop structure
5.2 Waterstop structure
6 Joint Waterstop Material
6.1 Copper waterstop and stainless steel waterstop
6.2 PVC waterstop and rubber waterstop
6.3 Plastic filler
6.4 Anti-seepage protective sheet
6.5 Cohesionless filler
6.6 Auxiliary materials
7 Joint Waterstop Construction
7.1 General
7.2 Processing and installation of copper waterstop
7.3 Installation of PVC or rubber waterstop
7.4 Connection of heterogeneous connectors
7.5 Plastic filler construction
7.6 Cohesionless filler cons~uction
8 Quality Control Criteria
序言This Standard is a revison and prepared by requirement of "Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards in 2005 (Document 738, 2005) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.
Based on DL/T 5115——2000 "Technical Specifications for Joint Seal of Concrete Face FockfiU Dam", this revision has been made on aspects of structure, material, contruction and quality criterion of waterstops for concrete face rockfill dam by summerizing the practical experience of concrete face rockfill dam in the world. In addition, this revision has fully reflected the state-of-the-art about waterstop structure for concrete face rock_fill dam. Moreover, the performance criteria and test methods are put forward by considering the regulations in "Standard for Joint Plastic Sealant of Hydraulic Structure" (DL/T 949——-2005) and "'Specifications for Waterstop of Hydraulic Structure" (DL/T 5215——2005).
The main modifications are as follows:
——Add normative references.

3.0.4 Structural joint of parapet wall
Joint between parapet wall bodies (Refer to Fig. 3.0.1).
3.0.5 Horizontal joint of parapet wall
Joint between parapet wall bottom and face slab, or joint between parapet wall bottom and plinth (Refer to Fig. 3.0.1).
3.0.6 Plinth joint
Joint between plinth blocks (Refer to Fig. 3.0.1).
3.0.7 Waterstop
A strip with specific shape cast in concrete fully or partly, possessing the functions of stop water and anti-bypass seepage. It may be made of copper, stainless steel, PVC and rubber (natural or synthetic) etc.
3.0.8 Plastic fifller
A plastic sealing material, with main raw material of high molecular material like butyl rubber. It can be pressed into joint from caulking joint location to play the functions of sealing joint and stop water under the action of water pressure.
3.0.9 Anti-seepage protective sheet
A sheet material used on the surface of plastic filler, to seal and protect the plastic filler, to transfer water pressure uniformly, so as to assist the filler for stop water. It should be made from aging-resistant material such as ethylene-propylene-diene monomer. One alternative is to coat the inside face of sheet with plastic waterstopping material so as to ensure the anti-seepage performace of sheet and to ensure the bonding performance between sheet and concrete. Another alternative is not to coat the inside face of sheet with plastic waterstopping material, but the bonding between sheet and plastic filler or sheet and concrete shall be ensured during construction.