
分類: 图书,管理,商务实务,商务外语,
品牌: 谢丹焰
·页码:346 页
内容简介《新编商务英语综合教程》是“高等学校商务英语系列教材”之一。《新编商务英语综合教程·学生用书(第1册)》为第1册,共10个单元,每单元由Readng Ⅰ、ReadnS Ⅱ和Extension三大部分组成,并配有相应的教师用书。本教程选材新颖,内容丰富,专业面广,实用性强,可供高等院校经贸和商务英语专业的学生、具有相应英语水平的商务工作者及商务英语爱好者学习使用。
Unit 1 Business Etiquette
Reading Ⅰ Everyday Etiquette for Office Life
Reading Ⅱ Handshakes
Unit 2 Shopping
Reading Ⅰ Going Grocery Shopping: Let Your Fingers Do the Walking
Reading Ⅱ You'd Better Shop Around
Unit 3 Companies
Reading Ⅰ When Companies Are Places to Work
Reading Ⅱ Second Chances
Unit 4 Products
Reading Ⅰ A Standard of Excellence
Reading Ⅱ Speeding New Products to Market
Unit 5 Promotion
Reading Ⅰ The Buying and Selling of Dreams
Reading Ⅱ Criticisms and Defenses of Promotion
Unit 6 Job Interviews
Reading Ⅰ Making the Best of a Good Job
Reading Ⅱ New Rules for Landing a Job: Interview Skills That Give You the Edge
Unit 7 Cultural Diversity
Reading Ⅰ Outstanding Cultural Diversity Programs
Reading Ⅱ Developing an Intercultural Training Program
Unit 8 Managers
Reading Ⅰ Managers for the Twenty-first Century
Reading Ⅱ Managerial Caricatures
Unit 9 Going Global
Reading Ⅰ Birth of a Buzzword
Reading Ⅱ Global Marketing into the Twenty-first Century
Unit 10 Retailing
Reading Ⅰ A Retailing Legend Is Born
Reading Ⅱ Shopping Euphoria at the Somerset Collection
Appendix A Glossary
Appendix B Idioms & Expressions

Most bosses expect their employees to get along with one another and, more important, toget along with clients and customers. This means that however important your job skills are, theymay not count for much if you don't also have some people skills. Fortunately, getting along withpeople usually boils down to simple, everyday courtesy.2 When you work for a company, you are its representative to the outside world. For thisreason, everyone from a secretary to a CEO should know how to greet visitors and make them feelcomfortable.3 Both men and women should stand to greet visitors who come into their office. Co-workersalso should be given a warm greeting, but you need not rise each time one comes into your office.For a visitor, though, your hand should be extended just as it would be if you were the host inyour own home. Ask the person to sit down; and if there is a choice of seats, you may want towave him into one.
Many managers and executives sit behind their desks when talking to co-workers andcustomers, but it is more gracious to move a conversation out to a sofa or two occasional chairs.Visitors should be asked whether they would like a beverage. If the answer is yes, the managershould get the drink or ask a secretary or assistant to get it. 5 Although corporate cultures vary from business to business and even from region to region,the exchange of daily greetings is a ritual everywhere. Coworkers usually say hello first thing inthe morning and then simply smile when they pass each other the rest of the day.