硒缺乏、毒性、生物营养强化与人体健康(英文版)(Selenium Deficiency Toxicity and Biofortification for Human Health)

分類: 图书,健身与保健,养生,食物养生,
品牌: 巴纽艾洛斯(Gary S.Banuelos)
·页码:116 页
·外文书名:Selenium Deficiency Toxicity and Biofortification for Human Health
内容简介《硒缺乏、毒性、生物营养强化与人体健康(英文版)》内容简介:The urgent need to synthesize, critically analyze information on selenium research conducted world-wide into an updated perspective for preserving the health of the environment, livestock, and humans provided the impetus for the development of this proceedings.
Section Ⅰ: Selenium in the Environment
Selenium in the Environment
Selenium Speciation and Mobility in Soil-An Overview
Pathways and Fate of Selenium in Aquatic/Terrestrial Systems
Selenium Distribution, Characterization and Partitioning in Rice Grown in China
The Development of Risk Maps Using Statistical Models: Selenium Deficiency in Soils
Biological Endpoints of Selenium Deficiency & Toxicity
Selenium Toxicity and Daily Selenium Intake in Enshi, China
Selenium Toxicity to Animals and Humans in Northwestern India-A Case Study
Study of Content of Selenium in Coals from Baishan Coal Mine in Huaibei of Anhui, China
Amelioration and Conversion of Excessive Selenium to New Resources from a Plant-Based System
Bioremediation of Selenium
GE ABMet (Advanced Biological Metals Removal): Setting the Standard for Selenium Removal in Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewater
Speciation of Selenium in Animal Feed (Squid Meal and Fish Meal) by HPLC-ICP-MS
Improved Selenium Status by Consumption of Wheat Biofortified with Selenium Does Not Modify DNA Damage in Lymphocytes of Healthy Older Australian Men
A Preliminary Investigation of Selenium-Accumulated Plants in Enshi City, Hubei Province, China
Distribution of Selenium in Residue Landfill and Surroundings from a Chinese Electrolytic Manganese Metals (EMM) Industry
Removing Excessive Selenium from Water Using Modified Filter Media
Removing Selenium from Raw Water Using Activated Carbon Adsorption
Mercury-Selenium Association in Antarctic Seal tiairs and Animal Excrements over the Past 1,500 Years
Section Ⅱ: Effects of Selenium on Human and Animal Health
Net Mineralization Rate of Selenium from Plant Material and Inorganic Salts
Selenium Metabolism and Selenoproteins in Human Health
Can Selenium Play a Role in Cancer Prevention? Methyl Selenocysteine Pharmacodynamics
Selenoprotein Synthesis and Reactivity-Biotechnologieal and Biomedical Applications
Effect of Substituted Organoselenium Compounds on Free Radical Induced Liver Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Effects of Deoxynivaleno[, Nivaleno[, T-2 Toxin and Selenium on the Metabolism of Tissue Engineered Cartilage In Vitro
The Role of Selenium in Fetal Development and Animal Health
Significance of Elevated Selenium in Muscle Tissue: Functional Food and Nutrient Reserve?
Effects of Different Selenium Sources on Antioxidant Status and Productive Performance in Sow
Biological effects of Different Selenomethionine Forms and Levels on Breeder Hens and Their Offspring
Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on 15-kDa Selenoprotein Transcription and Translation
Immunomodulatory and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Novel Organoselenium Compounds against Helicobacter pylori Infection
Section Ⅲ: Selenium Biofortification
Regulatory and Legal Considerations for the Production and Sale Selenium-Enriched Foods-the Example of the United States
Efficiency of Selenium Uptake from a Belgian Soil Treated with a Commercial Se-Containing Fertilizer by Grass and Maize
GD. Laing, B. Vandecasteele, X. Van Doorslaer, and E Tack
Evidences of Selenium Deficiency in Brazil: from Soil to Human Nutrition
M.F. Moraes, R.M. Welch, M.R. NuttL J.L. V. Carvalho, and E. Watanabe Production of Selenium-Biofortified Cereal Products
GH. Lyons
Agronomic Biofortification of Maize (Zea rnays L.) with Selenium in Malawi
A.D.C. Chilimba, CR. Black, J. Lammel, M.C Meacham, S.D. Young, and M.R. Broadley
Bioactivity of Selenium-Enriched Brassica
S.E. Volker and E.H. Jeffery
Daily Dietary Intake of Selenium in Suzhou Industrial Park, China
J. Gao, Y. Liu, Z.-Q. Lin, GS. Banuelos, M. Lain, andX.B. Yin
Differences in Uptake, Translocation, Distribution and Toxicity of Selenate and Selenite by Pakchoi
D.L. Liang, X.P. Wu, J.D. Bao, R.L. Xue, S.S. Wang, and Z.H. Wang
The Effects of Selenium Accumulation on Biochemical Composition of Rapeseed (Brassica napus)
S. sharma, A. Bansal, S.K. Dhillon and K.S. Dhilon
The Selenium Uptake and Accumulation in Green Tea
Y. Huang, ELi, and X.B. Yin
Determination of Selenium Speciation in Selenium-Enriched Corn and Yeast by HPLC-UV-HG-AFS
W. Wang, H.Q. Liu, Y.Y. Zhu, S.E Liu, S.B. Zhou, andX.B. Yin
A Study on the Determination of Selenium Speciation of High Selenium Plants in Enshi Using LC-AFS
H.Q. Liu, Y.Y. Zhu, J. Gao, Y.Q. Liu, andX.B. Yin
Distribution of Molecular Weight of Selenoprotein Extracted from Se-enriched Brown Rice
K.L. Liu and Z.X. Gu
Effects of Selenium and Iron on Soybean Growth and Seed Trace Element Quality Grown on Se-Deficient Soil
K.Y. Li, Z.H. Wang, Y.B. Gong, Y. Zhou, andD. Cui
Key Factors Influencing Selenite Uptake in Rice Seedlings
L.H. Zhang
Section Ⅳ: Other Uses of Selenium
Application of Se/CO System in Organic Synthesis: A Brief Introduction
S. W. Lu, Y. Yang, J.T. Mei, J.Z. Chen, X.P. Zhang, X.E Wang, X.Z. Liu, P, Li, and X.H. Yuan
Selenation Reactions with H2Se Generated by Se/CO/H20 System
ES. Tian, Y.H. Chen, and S. W. Lu
Synthesis of Unsymmetric Ureas by Selenium-Catalyzed Redox Carbonylation Reactions of Nitroarenes and Amines
Y. Yang, J.T. Mei, J.Z. Chen, G. Ling, X.H. Yuan, and S. W. Lu
New Non-phosgene Routes to Pesticides by Selenium-Catalyzed Carbonylation Reactions
X.H. Yuan, J.T. Mei, Y. Yang, X.F Wang, and S.W. Lu
Efficient Synthesis of 1, 3-Disubstitutedimidazole-2-selones
P Li, X.F. Wang, X.H. Yuan, S.D. Wang, andS. W Lu
Synthesis of Carbamates/Thiocarbamates by Selenium-catalyzed Carbonylation Reactions
X.P Zhang, Y. Yang, G, Ling, X.E Wang, P Li, and S. W. Lu
Selective Formation of Unsymmetric Ureas by Selenium-Catalyzed Redox Carbonylation of CO
J.T. Mei, Y.D. Luo, Y. Xue, and S. W Lu
Selenium-Catalyzed Reduction of Aromatic nitro Compounds with CO/H20 under Atmospheric
X.Z Liu and S. W Lu
序言The urgent need to synthesize, critically analyze information on selenium research conducted world-wide into an updated perspective for preserving the health of the environment, livestock, and humans provided the impetus for the development of this proceedings. The book of "Selenium Deficiency, Toxicity, and Biofortification for Human Health" contains the peer-reviewed key extended abstracts to the First International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health that will be held on 18-21 October 2009 in Suzhou, China. At this conference, participants will discuss the impact of selenium contamination and deficiency on the environment, domestic animal-crop-human accumulation, biochemical metabolism processes and further on human health. The importance of these topics clearly shows why selenium is arguably the natural-occurring trace element of greatest impact worldwide in the 21st century.
With the gracious financial support provided by China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Science Foundation of China, and Setek Co., Ltd., we are able to invite eminent scientists from within the world selenium community to provide new insight into complex-related environmental, biological, biochemical and health issues related to selenium. Symbolically we meet in China, a country that truly recognizes selenium toxicity and deficiency in human health. With authors from 1 2 countries (including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Germany, India, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA), a total of 54 presentations have been included in this publication that clearly demonstrate the significant role that selenium plays in today's modern life.

Results and Discussion Toxic effects of selenosis include thyroid hormone impairment, immune system dysfunction, hepatotoxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, dermatological disorders, and hair loss. Typical livestock symptoms include structural abnormalities or deformities in the protein components of the hooves, hair, and/or nails. A 2007 paper suggests an associate between elevated Se levels in blood and increased incidence of diabetes in humans.
Excess selenium in the food supply may result in the consumption of a potentially toxic product, as illustrated in a USA swine selenosis case study. Symptoms of selenosis were observed in animals with Se blood levels less than 1 mg L-1 and feed concentrations of about 10 mg kg-1. Feed analysis indicated the swine premix samples contained over 100 mg Se kg-1. Pork is considered safe at a Se muscle concentration of about 0.40 mg kgl wet weight.
The endpoint of Se deficiency in livestock was established by the 1973 USA Food and Drug Administration Act which set the minimum Se content in livestock feeds and supplements as 3.0 mg Se kg1. However, the upper dietary recommendation for Se in livestock feeds and natural forage is 5.0 mg kg1, resulting in a narrow "safe" rangebetween deficiency and potential toxicity. Worst-cast environmental assessments are often associated with Se contaminants originating from coal fired power plants. Recently, December, 2008, at the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Fossil Plant, a sixty-foot ash and earthen wall securing a retention pond holding five decades of coal fly ash gave way causing a catastrophic wave of slurry.