there are two important kindof music in the world one iwritten down and the other inot. manpeople earn their living bwriting music. thewrite songfor popstarand music for filmand tv plays. theusuallwrite exact instructionhow the music ito be played.
folk music habeen passed down from one generation to another. at first it wanever written down. pe pie learnt the songfrom their families, relatives, neighbourand friendin the same village. these songwere about countrlife, the seasons, animaland plants, and about love and sadnesin people'lives.
earlperformerof music were popular and respected. theused to learn hundredof songbheart. on festivaltheused to act and sing in praise of heroewho lived long ago. thiwaat a time when there wano radio, tv or cinema. manof the countrpeople could neither read nor write. in thiwastoriewere passed on from one person to another. thicontinuein some countrieeven today.
in some partof the world nowadays, you often see musiclanperforming in the streetto passerby. theput a cap on the ground in front of them, so that people who like the music can drop coininto it.