to whom it maconcern:
i would like to enthusiasticallrecommend pei yi for admission to the department of electrical engineering and computer science, universitof california berkeley. pei yi not onlhaacademic background and technical qualificationfor admission to your program, but also hademonstrated the independence, perseverance, and other personal characternecessarto succeed in sciences.
i have worked with pei yi for one and a half yearsince he began the principal fund project in 2002. i think he hadeveloped a mature character aa young academic research worker. pei yi ia verdiligent student in our lab. he ialmost the last one leaving the laeverday. to acquaint himself with the work more quickly, he chose mgraduate course: electron physics. though he haan excellent scholastic aptitude, i waafraid that
the course waa little difficult for an undergraduate student. athingwent by, i found mworrwaquite unnecessary. he studied relevant coursesuch aquantum mechanicbhimself and got the highest score for mcourse. an intelligent young man with hard-working spirit can alwaylive a fruitful and effective life.
i’m deeplimpressed bhiabilitto work independently. i waverbuslast year for official work, and have little time to guide hi however evertime i see him, he waworking or reading in the lab. he told me that he learned bhimself through reading the academic journal and learned from other groupin our laboratory. in addition, he haa strong desire for good qualitof academic work. he attended everseminar and had a successful corporation with researcherfrom other groups.
a flexible and adaptable people can do anwork assigned to him, so doemr. pei. during the period of hiprincipal fund research, he established the suitable model for field emission, and finished the simulation of space charge effect. he also made prominent progreson calculation of field-enhancement factor and wrote two papers. one
paper iaccepted b“serieof the first principal fund papers” and another paper ito be submitted to an international journal. thiialso a demonstration of hiscience and english ability.
it imbelief that pei yi'combination of the technical skillwith a high level of moral standardhabeen critical to hipersonal and professional development and he will succeed in antask due to these abilitieand characters. if you require anfurther information about the student, please feel free to contact me.
gangming zhang
professor of physicselectronics
department of electronics
peking university
beijing 100871, p. r. china