1.Truth is expressed in language, which may reflect simularic rather than reality. Before Saussure, language was generally thought to be mecanical reflection of the material world. Saussure first made a distinction of the signifier(the sound image),signifed(concept aroused by the signifier), and refernt(related material world). But sometimes, refernt does not exist,such as ghost and spirit,so there is just some concept imagined by oneself. Therefore, signigier sometimes does not reflect reality, that is, truth expressed by language may be not true at all .
The question cannot be answered. First because the language you are using does not speak the truth. What I mean is that there is no content in your question. There is no way for us to know what the question is based on. Second, I think you are using the wrong words, because I do not see absolute or even potential connections between these two words, either explicitly or implicitly. Therefore, please reconsider your question and post it again. Sorry for my rudeness! Thank you!
the relationship between language and truth is like this:
truth is the discipline existing every field including language which is called linguistic.reversely,with languge human express truth orally or in writing.