很急的 希望你们能给我最好的回答``
1: Hospital management.
2: Current concepts in hospital pharmacy management.
3: Healthcare information management : journal of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society of the American Hospital Association.
4: Hospital case management : the monthly update on hospital-based care planning and critical paths.
5: Hospital cost management and accounting.
6: Hospital financial management.
7: Hospital gift shop management.
8: Hospital hazardous materials management.
9: Hospital management communications.
10: Hospital management quarterly : HMQ.
11: Hospital material[dollar sign] management.
12: Hospital materiel management quarterly.
13: Hospital purchasing management.
14: Hospital risk management.
15: Hospital security and safety management.
16: The Journal for hospital admitting management : official publication of the National Association of Hospital Admitting Managers / NAHAM.
17: Journal of healthcare protection management : publication of the International Association for Hospital Security.
18: Management and compliance series / American Society for Hospital Engineering of the American Hospital Association.
19: Perspectives in healthcare risk management / American Society for Healthcare Risk Management of the American Hospital Association.
20: Topics in hospital pharmacy management / Aspen Systems Corporation.
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