PARKMAN, FRANCIS (1823-1893)(翻译) 1823-1893
Parkman, Francis
(born Sept. 16, 1823, Boston, Mass., U.S.-died Nov. 8, 1893, Jamaica Plain, Mass.) U.S. historian. Parkman graduated from Harvard University before embarking in 1846 on a journey to the West that resulted in The California and Oregon Trail (1849). He is noted for his seven-part history France and England in North America, covering the colonial period from the beginnings to 1763; its volumes include Pioneers of France in the New World (1865); Montcalm and Wolfe (1884), which demonstrates how biography can penetrate the spirit of an age; and A Half-Century of Conflict (1892), which exemplifies his literary artistry.
John Collier (1850-1934)(翻译)
John Collier was the second son of Sir Robert Porrett Collier, later the first Lord Monkswell, a distinguished judge, and keen amateur artist. He was educated at Eton College. He then studied art in France and Germany, encouraged by his father. Collier’s paintings tend to be somewhat flat and lifeless, but absolute accuracy and fidelity was his creed. He married firstly Marian Huxley, who unhappily died following the birth of their only child. Marian was a competent artist in her own right, painting charming, pictures of children. Following her death Collier married her sister Ethel. Collier was an enlightened social progressive.
O'Connor, Frank(翻译) 1903-1966
(born 1903, Cork, County Cork, Ire.-died March 10, 1966, Dublin) Irish writer. Brought up in poverty, O'Connor became a librarian and a director of Dublin's Abbey Theatre. He won popularity in the U.S. for short stories in which apparently trivial incidents illuminate Irish life. They appeared in volumes including Guests of the Nation (1931) and Crab Apple Jelly (1944) and in The New Yorker magazine. He also wrote critical studies on Irish life and literature and translations of Gaelic works of the 9th–20th centuries, including the great 17th-century satire The Midnight Court (1945).
Jesse Stuart (翻译) 1906-1984
Jesse Hilton Stuart (August 8, 1906 - February 17, 1984) was an American writer who achieved prominence in the short story, poetry, and novels. Born and raised in Greenup County, Kentucky, Stuart relied heavily on the rural locale of Northeastern Kentucky (and, perhaps to some degree, Southwestern Ohio, mainly around the Portsmouth area) for his writings. Indeed, he said that most of his stories were elaborations of true incidents that he observed or had heard about.