參考答案:丹麦首都哥本哈根位于西兰岛东北部,人囗约 150 万。12 世纪时洛斯基勒的阿布萨隆重主教在此筑起要塞,兴起了“商人之港(哥本哈根)”。它不仅是丹麦国内、也是北欧的大门。现在仍是重要的港囗城市,整个城市洋溢着的浪漫气息迷倒了所有前来游览的人。那么让我们敲开大门迈出通向北欧的第一步吧。 蒂沃利公园 Tivoli 和美人鱼像可以说是哥本哈根的象征。还有世界第一条步行街斯特洛伊艾,那琳琅满目的商品会让并不喜欢购物的人也为之动心。 富有魅力的不仅是购物,逛逛博物馆和美术馆,感受这里的历史,会使您的旅行留下更深刻的印象。 如果走累了或者肚子饿了,可以在露天咖啡座或餐馆略事休息。哥本哈根的中心街区有各色饭馆,不仅提供丹麦传统菜肴,还有世界各国的美味。何不夹杂在当地居民的人群中尽情体味首都氛围?
Denmark capital Copenhagen is located northeast Sjaelland island,
person approximately 1.5 million. When 12 centuries Luosiji forces
Abe Sa grand Bishop builds the fort in this, has started "port of the
merchant (Copenhagen)". It not only is Denmark domestic, also is
Northern Europe's front door. Now was still the important port city, the entire city is brimming with the romantic breath confused
but actually the person which all came to tour. Then lets us beat open
the front door to step out to Northern Europe first step. Peduncle
Worley park Tivoli and the beautiful manatee picture may say is
Copenhagen's symbol. Also has the world first walk street Si Troy
Chinese mugwort, that dazzling commodity can let the person which
certainly does not like the shopping also for it move. The rich charm
not only is a shopping, takes a stroll the museum and the art museum,
feels here history, can cause your travel to make a more profound
impression. If walked until tired or the belly has been hungry, may in
the open-air coffee place or the restaurant slightly matter rest.
Copenhagen's central block has the assorted restaurant, not only
provides Denmark the traditional cooked food, but also has the various
countries the delicacy. Why not mixes with in local resident's crowd
heartily appreciates the capital atmosphere?