The answer to this question is student specific. Government intervention can help smooth out temporary fluctuations in exchange rates. However, this is often problematic since at the time a currency appreciation occurs, the government can never be sure whether a disturbance is transitory and soon likely to reverse itself or more persistent and fundamental in nature. If unstable exchange rate expectations lead to capital flows that cause exchange rate movements and undesired changes in domestic output, central bank intervention seems justified. But central banks also often intervene to try to reduce inflation by preventing import prices from rising. The cost of reducing inflation in this way is a steady loss in competitiveness, which may even result in a foreign exchange crisis. Ultimately, inflation has to be stopped by restrictive monetary policy. Central banks may also intervene to affect trade flows and to bring about desired changes in domestic output. In the long run, however, governments are better off not opposing strong market forces by intervening in the foreign exchange market. If a government really wants to bring about change, it should employ domestic policies. It may supplement its policy by intervening in the foreign exchange market as well to emphasize its intent.
Government intervention is more effective if it is backed up by credible policies. There is evidence that non-sterilized intervention affects exchange rates more successfully, since there is a change in money supply equal to the amount of the intervention. But if the intervention is sterilized, domestic money supply will remain unchanged and even a massive intervention may not affect the exchange rate to the desired degree.