十八世纪末的产业革命带来了生产力发展与经济的繁荣,大工业兴起使人口集中到城市中来,造成用地紧张,地价上涨,城市范围逐步扩大仍感局促,为了在较小的土地范围内建造更多的建筑面积,建筑物不得不向高层发展——这是高层发展的最根本原因。所以说,高层建筑是城市发展的必然产物。高层只有在城市的滋润下才能较快地蓬勃发展,而城市的发展也依赖高层的支持!建议中称,近几年来在市区到处冒出了一处处蔚为壮观的“石屎森林”,高楼密集程度排在全球前列,有的高楼间距不到10米,令周边低矮的房屋成年难以采光,甚至通风不畅,在城市形成了一个个深井,而这样的城市“深井”在广州比比皆是。以18层以上的高楼计,广州可以位居世界前几名,现约有7000多栋高层建筑,100米以上的超高层建筑有360多栋。即使以高楼密集的广州四个老区和天河区计,面积也有100多平方公里。更为严重的是,有些高楼呈超宽体型或联排型,楼体左右宽达100多米,楼与楼之间相连或只留极少楼距。高楼多易酿阴霾天气高楼在给城市带来效益的同时,一系列的交通堵塞、污染环境、城市局部高温等问题接踵而来。广州去年的灰霾天气就高达144天,过密、过多的高楼群也是灰霾的重要成因之一。而且城区高楼一般都建在路边,这既不利于交通,也容易形成两道回音墙,造成噪音污染。夏天,从广州周边进入广州的中心城区,很多人会有一种“窒息” 的感觉,这是“热岛效应”所带来的后果之一。据了解,造成“热岛”效应与楼越建越高,楼房密度越来越大有很大的关系。本来在城市规划中,对建筑楼距都有严格的规定,但在寸土寸金的商业黄金地带并没有得到严格执行,加上高楼的外墙一般采用玻璃材料,具有“反光镜”的作用,在太阳直晒的反光作用下,楼群周边气温升高更加严重。据资料显示,高层建筑和重大工程项目也是造成地面沉降的原因之一。
參考答案:18 century's ends industrial revolutions have brought the productiveforces development and the economical prosperity, the big industryemerges causes in the population concentration city, creates with isanxious, the soil-rent value rise, the city scope gradually expandedstill feels crampedly, in order to constructed the more floor space inthe smaller land scope, the building could not but to high leveldevelopment - this be the high level development most basic reason.Therefore, the high-rise construction is the urban developmentinevitable product. Under high level only in the city moistens cancomparatively quickly the vigorous development, but the citydevelopment also relies on the high level support!
In the suggestion stated that, in the last few years has everywhereemitted one everywhere splendid sight "the cement forest" in the urbandistrict, the tall building crowded degree arranges at the globalfront row, some tall building spacings to 10 meters, do not make theperipheral low house grown-up with difficulty natural lighting, evenventilates impeded, has formed a each one deep well in the city, butsuch city "the deep well" is the case everywhere in Guangzhou.
By 18 above tall building idea, Guangzhou may be situated world firstseveral, presently approximately some more than 7,000 high-riseconstructions, 100 meter above extra-high building has more than 360.Even if by the tall building crowded Guangzhou four old liberatedareas and the day river reach idea, the area also has more than 100square kilometers. More serious is, some tall buildings assume theultra width build or the association row, about the building body thewidth reaches more than 100 rice, between Lou Yulou is connected oronly keeps the extremely few buildings distance.
The tall building is easy to ferment the thick weather
The tall building while brings the benefit to the city, aseries of question and so on traffic jam, pollution environment, citypartial high temperature follows on somebody's heels. The Guangzhoulast year ash haze weather reached as high as 144 day, excessively wasdense, excessively many high buildings clusters also is one of ashhaze important origins. Moreover the city tall building generally allconstructs in the roadside, this is already disadvantageous to thetransportation, also is easy to form two echoes walls, causes thenoise pollution.
Summer, peripheral enters Guangzhou from Guangzhou the central city,very many people can have one kind "suffocates" the feeling, this isone of consequences which "the hot island effect" brings. It isreported, creates "the hot island" the effect and the building moreconstructs high, the building density more and more greatly has thevery big relations. Originally in the urban planning, to constructsLou Judu to have the strict stipulation, but has not certainlyobtained the strict execution in the inch of lang and gold commercialgold region, in addition the tall building outer wall generally usesthe glass material, has "the reflector" the function, under thereflection function which the sun straight exposes to the sun, thebuildings cluster peripheral temperature elevates seriously. Accordingto the material demonstrated that, the high-rise construction and theimportant engineering project also creates one of surface subsidencereasons.