我这里还有一篇地球日(Earth Day)的介绍,不知道对你有没有帮助:
Everybody needs a little tender, loving care—even planet Earth! Earth Day reminds us that we need to preserve the Earth’s beauty and natural resources. Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22.
Earth Day started on college campuses in 1970. Gaylord Nelson, a senator from Wisconsin, had inspired the efforts of college students. A lot of people felt the environment was in real trouble in 1970. Human beings were the cause of much of the trouble.
Accidental spills from oil tankers had poured millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The oil polluted the water and harmed sea life.
Poisonous mercury was found in fish and wildlife in many states in the United States. Factories had released this mercury. Ohio banned fishing in polluted Lake Erie because eating the fish was dangerous to human health. No sea life existed off the polluted shores of New York and New Jersey.
Heavy gray smog hung over America’s cities. The destruction of rainforests and other habitats endangered thousands of animal and plant species around the globe.
People needed to wake up and learn what they were doing to their planet!
Earth Day raises awareness of our planet’s problems. Millions of school children participate in Earth Day projects. Each Earth Day, people who study the environment report on the problems that face our planet. Earth Day pushes people to look for ways to slow, or even reverse, the damage we’ve done.
Recycling materials like cans, glass, and paper saves natural resources. People are encouraged to conserve energy like oil, gasoline, and electricity. Environmental groups encourage governments to pass laws protecting land, animals, plants, water, and air. Laws also ban dangerous chemicals that pollute our air and water.
Think about what you can do to help make the planet a cleaner and healthier place.