Q: what do you think of your fans because some of them fall in love with the characters, how do you feel when they confuse you with your character?
(Laurel): There are some fans who often confuse us with our characters and sometimes they might act a little weird. You have to have a sense of humor about those kinds of situations. One time I was walking in New York and someone from 3 blocks down saw her and yelled, ‘Yo, Tina’. It is flattering when people love your character, it is a celebration of your work and most of the time all her fans have been friendly.
(Mia): it’s nice, it’s flattering but I’m not Jenny and if someone called out to me on the street as Jenny I would just continue walking.
(Laurel): we are humans but sometimes our characters became part of our lives, but you also have another part of your life, your job, your friends, your family.
Q: [B&TF note: This fan who asked question was from Australia and Laurel talked about Australia a little, asking if there were others from there.] She asked something of Mia, I think, something about filming.
(Mia): it was a problem because we couldn’t stop laughing, like delinquencies at school, someone starts laughing but I was the one to always get in trouble for that. (Here Mia told the story about a new director this season that kept telling Mia to stop laughing when it wasn’t even her fault, it was something to do with Leisha, I think, who came in boxers and everyone began laughing and the director thought it was Mia and screamed at her to stop and Mia imitated the voice, which was really good, and then Mia said that when that happens, they only start laughing even harder.).
參考答案:Q: 对于你的影迷爱上你所饰演的角色你怎么看,当他们把你和你饰演的角色混淆时你又是怎么想的呢?
(Laurel): 有一些影迷经常把我和我演的角色混淆,所以有时候他们可能会变得有些怪异。对于这种情况,你必须得有幽默感。有一次我走在纽约街头,一个人从3街区走下来看到她便叫道:'哟,Tina'。当人们喜欢你扮演的角色时,这是一种恭维。这也是对你所做工作的一种表扬,大多数时候她的影迷还是很友好的。
(Mia):这很好,这是一种恭维,但我不是Jenny ,如果有人像叫Jenny一样在大街上叫我,我会继续走我的路。
Q: [B&TF 的便条:问问题的影迷来自澳大利亚,Laurel说了一点关于澳大利亚的事,问是否其他人来自那里。] 她问了一些关系Mia的问题,我想,一些关系电影的。
(Mia): 这是个问题,因为我们都不能停止我们的笑,就像在学校捣乱一样,某个人笑了而我经常是那个陷入麻烦的人。(这里Mia讲了个故事,在这一季里的新导演老是告诫Mia不要笑了,虽然这并不是她的过错,那是Leisha干的,我想,她装成个拳击手然后大家都笑了,结果导演认为是Mia干的,然后对她咆啸让她停止,Mia模仿了导演的声音,非常相似,Mia说她模仿了之后,大家笑得更厉害了。)