我在msn space 上有空间,看很多朋友加了Windows Media Player,怎么弄得?我怎么找不到?
參考答案:今天看了The Space Craft的blog之后发现,在space中又有新东西可以加进了.那就是Windows Media Player!!!!.登登登等..........还有....下面就介绍如何添他们吧:
添加Windows Media Player:(WindowsXP)
Log into Passport and Edit your Space.
In the Address bar of your web browser add the text “&powertoy=sandbox” to the end of the displayed URL.
Click the Go button next to your web browser address bar.
Once the page has finished reloading, click on the Customize tab in your Space.
In the Modules drop down menu in the Customize tab there should be a listing for PowerToy: Custom HTML. Click the word Add next to it and then click the Save button.
1. 登陆你的space并且进入编辑模式.
2. 在游览器的地址栏的末尾加入"&powertoy=musicvideo"(不加引号)
3. 点击地址栏右侧的转到按钮
4. 等该页刷新完之后,点击自定义按钮.
5. 电击模块下拉菜单选择 "PowerToy:Mindows Media Player."
6. 点击保存按钮.