參考答案:Environmental protection bureau: The our company is the newly built enterprise (estimated 06 years 4th quarter complete and tries to produce), the expensive game has authorized the our company to June 27, 2005 "the items of basic construction environmental effect report." (Inquiry code:) At that time because the our company economic analysis target also not precise computation completed, added other reasons, created the our company "to comment to the link reported" center the boiler limited the fuel - fuel oil not to be able to bring to the enough attention. Latter completes after the economic analysis report, if uses "the fuel oil", large scale will increase the product cost which I will take charge of, after will create the enterprise to go into production faced with loses money the region. And the military clear environmental protection bureau concerned leaders repeatedly relates the instruction after us with the city environmental protection bureau atmosphere place, in view of the fact that XXX economic zone is equipped with other inexpensive clean energys (for example: "The natural gas, the coal "), recommends Wu Qingju after the city bureau the scene inspection, initially recognized the Huifeng energy conservation equipment limited company newly develops the environmental protection energy conservation product "the new environmental protection gasification surely burns coal the boiler" (below fixed thermal power 600,000 kilocalories) to be allowed to carry on practical as the substitution product in XX economic sub-zone. My Si Zheng prepares to purchase this kind of 300,000 kilocalorie boilers, and positively will coordinate the environmental protection department in the actual use to its each operation target examination. Presently asks the environmental protection bureau department concerned the application which takes charge of to me to give a written reply to a subordinate.