參考答案:February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky Harding County, a family of loggers. Under livelihood, he engaged staff, the village Post Office, surveyors and other work split wooden fence. In 1834, he was elected to Illinois, began his political career. September 22, 1862. Lincoln announced personally drafted the document with great historical significance -- the liberation of black slaves in the Declaration, "(that is, then the" liberation Declaration "). Since then the war started and there was a significant change in the situation, the northern troops quickly from defense to offense. 1865 has been a complete victory. At this time, the people of Lincoln's reputation in the United States has become increasingly high, in 1864, President Lincoln was re-elected. Unfortunately, the evening of 14 April 1865, the Ford Theater in Washington Theater when he suddenly shot Early the next morning he died. Lincoln teachers of the revolution Marx highly regarded that he was a "difficult not to be intimidated. not misled by the people for the success of his own indomitable spirit toward the great goal, but never out. He steadily, but never backward; …… short, He is a great state reached their high quality and remain a rare figure. "
(1809年2月12日,阿伯拉罕·林肯出生在肯塔基州哈丁县一个伐木工人的家庭,迫于生计,他先后干过店员、村邮务员、测量员和劈栅栏木条等多种工作。1834年,他当选为伊利诺斯州议员,才开始了他的政治生涯。1862年9月22日,林肯宣布了亲自起草的具有伟大历史意义的文献——《解放黑奴宣言》草案(即后来的《解放宣言》),从此战争形势才开始发生了明显的变化,北部军队很快地由防御转入了进攻,1865年终于获得了彻底的胜利。此时,林肯在美国人民中的声望已愈来愈高了,1864年,林肯再度当选为总统。但不幸的是,1865年4月14日晚,他在华盛顿福特剧院观剧时突然遭到枪击,次日清晨与世长辞。 革命导师马克思高度地评价林肯说,他是一个“不会被困难所吓倒,不会为成功所迷惑的人,他不屈不挠地迈向自己的伟大目标,而从不轻举妄动,他稳步向前,而从不倒退;……总之,他是一位达到了伟大境界而仍然保持自己优良品质的罕有的人物”。)