mkvmerge v1.8.1 ('Little By Little') built on Nov 25 2006 16:14:20
'C:\Documents and Settings\callery\桌面\Track1.avi': Using the AVI demultiplexer. Opening file. This may take some time depending on the file's size.
'C:\Documents and Settings\callery\桌面\Track1.ac3': Using the AC3 demultiplexer.
'C:\Documents and Settings\callery\桌面\Track1.ass': Using the SSA/ASS subtitle reader.
Error: 'C:\Documents and Settings\callery\桌面\Track1.avi' track 0: You are trying to put AVC/h.264 video from an AVI or a similar VfW (Video for Windows) compatible source into a Matroska file in the so-called 'VfW compatibility mode'. Please note that this is not the official way to store AVC/h.264 video in Matroska. Therefore proper playback of such files cannot be guaranteed, and we strongly urge you to use the native Matroska-mode.
At the moment mkvmerge does not support converting from VfW-mode AVC/h.264 tracks to native Matroska-mode AVC/h.264 tracks. You can, however, first import the video track into a MP4 file with e.g. 'MP4Box' (use Google). Then you can use mkvmerge and put the video into a Matroska file.
If you're trying to get AVC/h.264 from an AVI into Matroska then the commands you need to use are for example:
avi2raw avc.avi raw.264
mp4box -fps 23.976 -add raw.264 avc.mp4
Keep in mind to replace '-fps 23.976' with the actual frame rate of your source file.
If you really know what you are doing then you can force mkvmerge to put this AVC/h.264 track into a Matroska file even in VfW mode if you add '--engage allow_avc_in_vfw_mode' to the command line. You can do that in mmg with the 'Add command line options' menu entry in the 'Muxing' menu.