1. The item you are interested in falls ____On______the scope of our business activities.
2. We send you _____for_____airmail a brochure of the various kinds ___of_______ bicycles now available __________export.
3. Please quote us __________cotton piece CFR Singapore inclusive __________ 5% commission.
4. We are prepared to place a repeat order __for________50 metric tons of walnut meat ____with______your corporation.
5. We are sending you __________separate cover tw o catalogues and a price list __________your consideration.
6. We are desirous __________ your lowest quotation __________canned fruit.
7. They have informed us that you are __________the market for Chemicals.
8. Generally we shall cover the goods __________ All Risks & War Risk.
9. Any delay __________ shipment will involve us __________ no small difficulty.
10. The S.S. “East Wind” is due to sail __________ Shanghai__________ Paris on 10th this month.
11. Unfortunately we are unable to comply __________ your wishes.
12. The initial shipment will be effected __________ the first half of April .
13. The buyers complained __________the excessive moisture of the minerals.
14. The agreement __________compensation trade will go into effect on 8th March.
15. We are __________a position to supply the order __________your revised price.
參考答案:14 ON
11 FOR
9 ? IN
8 AT
7 ON
....不行了 好久没做了
要是200份 肯定有好多人争着做啊