被誉为“安达曼海上的一颗明珠”的普吉岛(Phuket Island)是东南亚具有代表性的旅游度假胜地。位于距离曼谷862公里的南部,岛屿的西海岸正对印度洋,是泰国最大的岛.这个海岛拥有一切迷人的热带风景和丰富的旅游资源:浓密的热带雨林,整齐的橡胶种植园,柔软细腻的沙滩,陡峭的山崖,使得这里的运动休闲节目多姿多彩。在这里,你可以到5个高尔夫球场打球,到原始森林里骑大象,或者租一辆摩托车沿着海岸线欣赏风景.游泳、快艇、跳伞、划独木舟、驾帆船、潜水等等。
As a famous visiting resort in South-East Asia, Phuket Island enjoys the reputation of "Pearl in the Adamen Sea. Seated 862kms to the south of Bankok, it has its western coast facing the Indian Ocean and is the biggest island in Thailand.The island present to tourists a full variety of tropical scenery and visiting resources -- the thriving tropical forest, the neatly kept rubber plantations, as well as the enchanting beach with soft sand and steep cliffs, all of which privide enchanting entertainments.Here you can play golf on any of the five golf fields or go elephant-riding in the forest,or you can rent a motorbike and patrol the beach on it to enjoy the scenery.Swimming, yachting,parachuting,rowing a canoe or a sailer,and diving are also highly recommended choices for tourists.