八十三,全是人.全是人.全是人.我只有连说三次全是人才能形容出场面的人数. -------寝室一个大哥向我形容招聘会的场面,后来我去看了.全是人.全是人.全是人. 八十四,越大,我们就会发现对与错越是那么不明显.这不是错,这是事实,而且无法改变. 记得结交每一个值得结交的朋友。
參考答案:77, many smiled, slowly let themselves really happy together. 78, a lot of times if life, but no one, however. 79, the time when you do not know how to give up. You know how you can tell myself persist. 80, the University should use their cell phones only if they have the answer. 81. never despise the poor university students. 82. look at the recruitment will be in college bars. You will feel a future crisis. 83. all people. all people. all people. I even said that only three out of the scene is the number of people who can describe. ------- dormitory recruitment of a big brother to me describe a scene, Later, I see it. all people. all people. all people. 84, the bigger, Then we will find more and wrong not obvious. This is not a matter of right or wrong, this is a fact. but can not change. remember to make each one worth making friends. 85, silly, not to forget friends. Friends frivolous, they do not forget your friends.