according to a detailed development plan ,Korea is determined to be among the world s ten largest trading nations ,up from the 13th now.
1. Much of the economy s development in recent years comes from what Korean leaders call the three blessings-lower oil prices, lower world wide interest rates, and a currency that is weak against the Japanese yen. The Korean won is closely related with many other currencies, though the finance ministry will not say which ones. Obviously the U. S. dollar is the most important. When its value drops against the Japanese yen, the Korean won went down too. Since September 1985 the won has decreased about 40% against the yen, giving Korea a huge advantage over Japan in the U.S. market.
2. The Koreans made good use of this advantage, pouring 40% of their exports into America. When the U.S. responded with tough protectionism talk, they pretended to be surprised and angry. The Koreans still see themselves as relatively poor dependents of the U.S. and take American protectionism as betrayal by a big brother. They are right. The Korean economy is only 6% of Japan s. Tall buildings in Seoul resemble those in Tokyo, but the Korean capital is full of narrow streets and poor houses like a village. In the countryside some 20% of home lack running water. Moreover, Korea has a heavy defense burden as well as that big foreign debt.
3. And Korea has suffered setbacks before. In the 1970s the government supported heavy industry ,creating some big but useless enterprises. The Treasury Ministry is still quietly supporting some ill shipping and overseas companies. Meanwhile the government does not know how to set up wining industries.
4. The Koreans are also quick to point out that their 7.1 billion trade surplus with the U.S. is just 4% of the total American trade deficit. Japan account for 35%. In the U. S. the Koreans are competing with Japanese not American ,Products. They complain that U. S. protectionism punishes them for Americans lazy work habits and drug abuse. They say the union rules have ruined U. S. competitiveness.
Questions 13-16
. For questions 13-16, choose the correct title for each paragraph for the box below.
. For each paragraph (l-4) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.
. Do not mark any letter twice.
13. Paragraph 1 . . . . . . .
14. Paragraph 2 . . . . . . .
15. Paragraph 3 . . . . . . .
16. Paragraph 4 . . . . . . .
A. Economy s development
B. Lessons from the past
C. Korean products in U. S. market
3. 并且韩国以前也遭遇了经济衰退。20世纪70年代政府支持重工业,创造了一些庞大的却无用的企业。财务部仍然默默地支持一些船舶公司和一些海外公司,同时政府不了解如何创建盈利工业。
4. 韩国也迅速意识到其对美71亿贸易顺差仅占美国总贸易逆差的4%,日本占35%。在美国,和韩货竞争的是日货而不是美国货。他们抱怨说美国的保护主义是对其懒惰的工作习惯和毒品滥用的惩罚。 他们说美利坚合众国的宪法已经摧毁了美国的竞争力。
. 对于l-4分段,在你的答卷上标上字母(A到G)。
. 不要把任何字母标记两次。
13. 第1分段. . . .(小姑奶奶推荐:A)
14. 第2分段. . . .
15. 第3分段. . . .(小姑奶奶推荐:B)
16. 第4分段. . . .(小姑奶奶推荐:C).
A. 经济发展
B. 过去的教训
C. 美国市场上的韩国产品
“D ”选项怎么没有呀?我想应该是“韩日竞争”吧!