Each person has his or her own unique ways of coping with tension, worry, and anxiety. Many self-defeating coping strategies (e.g., drinking too much, abusing other drugs, over-eating, or engaging in other eating disorders common on college campuses, getting angry and "going off" roommates or friends, to name just a few) can be considered attempts to cope with anxiety. It is important to understand that, even though such strategies are ultimately destructive, the individual utilizing them is rightfully concerned with trying to effectively manage his or her world as he or she experiences it at the moment. This need to control one's emotional life is basic and the intent to do so should always be respected. However, learning more effective ways to cope with anxiety may be called for if what one is doing is not working, or is only working in the short run
參考答案:每个人都有自己独特的方式来应付紧张、不安、焦虑. 许多弄巧成拙应对策略(例如,喝酒太多,其他药物滥用、过度饮食、 或者从事其他饮食失调常见于大学校园,不顺,"走出过"同房或朋友 仅举数)可视为企图应付焦虑. 必须认识到,尽管这种策略最终破坏性 他们利用个人来说是一件赏心试图与有效管理其世界经验,他或她在这一刻. 这需要控制自己的情绪和生活基本意图应该始终做到尊重. 但是 学习更有效的方法应付焦虑可能要求如果不试试看做工作, 或者只是短期工作