如:1.(X)Signed Commercial Invoice in 4 Copies indicating L/C No. and Contract NO.
2.( )Full set of ( )originals and( )non-negotiable copies of clean on board Bills of Lading made out to order
3.(X )Airway billsshowing “ freight ( ) to collect (X) prepaid” indicating freight amount & Contract No. and consigned to Applicant.
4.(X )Two full set(s) of original and (2) copies of insurance policy/certificate for (110%) percent of the invoice/shipment goods valueshowing claims payable in china in currency of the draft blank endorsed, covering ( ) ocean marine transportation(X) air transportation ( )overland transportation, all risks, war risk.
5、( X ) Certificate of quantity in (1) copies issued by Manufacturer
6、( X )Packing list/Weight Memo in (4)copies issued by the Manufacturer
7、( X )Certificate of ORIGIN in (3)Copies issued by the Manufacturer
8( X )Certificate of Quality in (3)Copies issued by the Manufacturer
9、( X ) Beneficiary’s certified copy of Fax dispatched to the applicant within 24 hours after shipment advising ( ) name of vessel ( ) B/L No. ( ) Wagon No. (X) Shipping date (X ) contract No. (X) L/C No. Commodity, quantity, weight and value of shipment
10、 X ) Beneficiary’s certificate certifying that extra copies of the documents have been dispatched according to the contract terms.
11、( ) Shipping Co.’s certificate attesting that the carrying vessel is charted or booked by applicant or their shipping agents.
12、(X)Other documents, if any: One duplicate certificate of plant quarantine issued by the relative competent authorities for the goods packed in wooden cases. One duplicate declaration issued by the export company for the no-wood packing material or the non-coniferous wood packing material. The original one should be attached to the airway bill.
參考答案:1.(X)Signed Commercial Invoice in 4 Copies indicating L/C No. and Contract NO.
2.( )Full set of ( )originals and( )non-negotiable copies of clean on board Bills of Lading made out to order
关于清洁提单签发:整套 或 正本 或不可转让的提单复印件
.(X )Airway billsshowing “ freight ( ) to collect (X) prepaid” indicaing freight amount & Contract No. and consigned to Applicant.
空运提单显示运费 到付 或预付 先是运费金额 合同号 且交付进口商
4.(X )Two full set(s) of original and (2) copies of insurance policy/certificate for (110%) percent of the invoice/shipment goods valueshowing claims payable in china in currency of the draft blank endorsed, covering ( ) ocean marine transportation(X) air transportation ( )overland transportation, all risks, war risk.
两份正本保单或证明 两份副本 保险金额按发票金额的110%计算 显示可支付索赔 保险条款为一切险
5、( X ) Certificate of quantity in (1) copies issued by Manufacturer
6、( X )Packing list/Weight Memo in (4)copies issued by the Manufacturer
生产商出4份箱单 描述装箱情况
7、( X )Certificate of ORIGIN in (3)Copies issued by the Manufacturer
8( X )Certificate of Quality in (3)Copies issued by the Manufacturer
12、(X)Other documents, if any: One duplicate certificate of plant quarantine issued by the relative competent authorities for the goods packed in wooden cases. One duplicate declaration issued by the export company for the no-wood packing material or the non-coniferous wood packing material. The original one should be attached to the airway bill.
另外的单据:一式两份:工厂保证 把货物装入木箱子内
一式两份:出口商的证明,证明没有木质包装 正本需付在空运提单上