摘要:知识经济时代呼唤企业管理创新,企业管理的发展经历了两次飞跃,第一次是从“经验管理”到泰罗的“科学管理”,第二次是从“科学管理”到“文化管理”,两次飞跃都是由生产力发展所带动的.企业管理发展的实践表明,管理发展过程即管理创新过程,创新是管理的灵魂,是管理的永恒主题。本文简述了企业创新的含义,分析了我国企业管理创新的现状,研究了管理创新涉及的范畴,论述了企业管理创新的核心 ―— 制度创新的特点及企业制度管理创新中需注意的问题。指出观念创新是企业管理创新的灵魂,是制度创新的关键,提出了几种管理中应具备的创新观念,说明只有先进的观念创新机制作保障,才能使企业保持持续的管理创新活力。
參考答案:Abstract: The knowledge economy time summoned the business management innovation, the business management development to experience two leaps, first was "managed from the experience" to 泰罗 "the scientific management", second was from "the scientific management" "the cultural management", two leaps both was leads by the productive forces development The business management development practice indicated that, manages the developing process is the management innovation process, the innovation is the management soul, is the management eternal subject. This article has summarized the enterprise innovation meaning, has analyzed our country business management innovation present situation, has studied the category which the management innovation involves, elaborated the question which the business management innovation core - □system innovation characteristic and in the enterprise system management innovation must pay attention. Pointed out the idea innovation is the business management innovation soul, is the system innovation key, proposed in several kind of management should have the innovation idea, showed only has the advanced idea innovation mechanism to make the safeguard, can cause the management innovation vigor which the enterprise maintains continues. Key word: Business management; Management innovation; System innovation; Idea innovation