holiday farm camp bottle same carot
lamp last name coffee cage bar
fast _______ _______ _______ taste_______ _______ _______
national _______ _______ _______ sock _______ _______ _______
( )1、Did you like watching TV? A:No,I can’t.
( )2、What did you do on Monday? B:It is Friday.
( )3、Were there any carrots in the bag? C:I’m watering trees.
( )4、What do you usually do on Sundays? D:Yes,I did
( )5、Does she go to school early? E:Yes,there were.
( )6、What day is it today? F:I go to the cinema.
( )7、What are you doing? G:No,she doesn’t.
( )8、Can you play football? H:I watched a film.
fast : farm, last , bar
taste: same, name, cage
national: camp, lamp, carot
sock : holiday, bottle, coffee
二、1--D, 2--H, 3--E, 4--F, 5--G, 6--B, 7--C,8--A