个 人 简 历
姓 名 陈兴堂 性 别 男 年 龄 29岁
民 族 汉族 婚 姻 未婚 出生日期 1977年9月26日
学 历 大专 毕业学校 焦作大学 学 制 三年全日制
政治面貌 团员 出 生 地 河南省新野县沙堰镇陈营村
手 机 *********** 电 话 0755-*********** 传 真 0755-***********
求职意向: 商业零售管理,销售业务,客户服务,酒店管理
教育经历: 1,2000年7月---1997年9月
河南省焦作市焦作大学 机电系97181班 机电一体化专业毕业
河南省新野县第一职业中专 机电94452班 机电一体化专业毕业
河南省新野县城郊乡第一乡中 三一班毕业
1, 至今 ---2003年6月
深圳百安居装饰建材有限公司 任职销售顾问/员工教练 员工培训考勤工作安排等;
深圳友邦(美国)保险有限公司 任职保险代理人 保险业务开拓训练,客户开发服务等
深圳市中南海滨大酒店房务部 任客户中心服务员 客户客房状态控制,信息入档,投诉处理等
1.熟悉深圳状况,适应各种环境;2.各类工作方法技巧的了解掌握 ;3.正确的生活工作态度,忠诚诚信的职业操守;
兴趣爱好: 1.阅读上网学习最新的知识/信息/事物;2.篮球运动,游泳;3.摄影,登山,户外探险旅游;4.功夫,中国象棋;5.参加深圳义工活动,做志愿者服务社会他人;6.品尝各种小吃美食(只要有机会)。
人生感悟: 1.大爱无疆,仁者无敌;2.智者乐山,仁者乐水;3.不以物喜,不以己悲;4.穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下;5.大智若愚;6.读万卷书,行万里路;7.生命在于运动,命运在于拼搏.
笑 一 笑
Chen of the name cheerful hall sex the male ge is 29 years old
Single September 26,1977 of date of birth of the race Chinese's marriage
The graduate school of the educational background university is burnt to make university educational system three years fulltime system
Political lately wild county sand embankment town Chen camp village of native place Henan of the feature member
Cellular phone *********** telephones 0755-*********** fax 0755-***********
Seek job an intention:The business retails a management, selling business, the customer serves, the cabaret manages
Educate career: 1,2000 July, yearses-1997 September
Henan is burnt to make city burnt make university machine an electricity to fasten 97181 classes of machine electricity integral whole to turn professional graduation
2,1997 July, yearses-1994 September
Lately wild county in Henan the first occupation in particularly the machine give or get an electric shock 94452 classes of machine electricity integral whole to turn professional graduation
3,1994 July, yearses-1991 September
Lately wild county city suburb country in Henan 31 classes of graduations in the first country
Work career:
1, up to now-2003 June
Shenzhen 100 nestle to decorate building materials limited company to work sale adviser/employee coach employee to train to test to work to arrange etc. frequently;
2,2003 May, yearses-2003 February
The insurance limited company of the Shenzhen allied country(the United States) works the insurance business of the insurance agent to expand training, the customer develops a service etc.
3,2002 December, yearses-October,2000
In the Shenzhen City south china sea the strand hotel house keeping department allow customer center attendant customer guest room appearance a control, information go into file, the hurl tells a processing etc.
Work summary:
1.Acquaint with condition in Shenzhen, adapt various environment;2.The understanding of each kind of work method technique controls;3.The living work attitude of exactitude, the occupation personal integrity of honest trustworthiness;
4.Make contact with various person to have abundant social experience resources;5.The happiness healthy life principle, the health good body appearance, challenges various difficulty easily.
Ego evaluation:
1.The living work attitude heading uping actively;2.Study ability of keeping on;3.The occupation morals of morally upright trustworthiness;4.Healthy body.
The family evaluate:
1.Take good care of small generation, incorporation the same generation, show filial obedience elder;2.Bear suffering dependably;3.Efficient love labor, the heart is thin;4.Don't talk, feel ashamed.
The colleague evaluates:
1.Reasonable and easy to get along with;2.Work with quiet attention and patiently;3.Pick a heavy load courageously;4.The honesty can believe;5.Speak a principle too, communicate not and actively;6.The work efficiency is high.
The friend evaluates:
1.Be enthusiastic about, take pleasure in help others;2.The sense of righteousness is strong;3.Stubborn;4.The credibility is worthy of to trust;5.Some closings, too mysterious;6.I ain't big to communicate with girl.
Interest a fondness for: 1.The reading gets to the Internet to study the latest knowledge/information/thing;2.Basketball sport, swimming;3.Photograph, climb mountain, the outdoor exploration travels;4.Effort, Chinese Chin chess;5.Attend righteousness work activity in Shenzhen, do volunteer to serve society others;6.Taste various a light repast delicacies.(as long as have an opportunity)
Life feeling 悟 : 1.The grand love is limitless, the 仁 is invincible;2.A wise man enjoys mountain, the 仁 joy water;3.Not with thing pleased, not with F sad;4.Poor then conduct oneself virtuously, reach and help world;5.The wisest man often seems stupid;6.Read ten thousand books, go ten thousand inside road;7.The life lies in sport, the destiny lies in working hard.
Give a smile
The someone opens 奥拓 , being rushed greatly super, rush driver to shout loudly greatly:waiter, have you ever opened to rush greatly?The 扬 grows but takes.The 奥拓 defies, fierce exceed to rush greatly.Rush soon and greatly again super, the driver shouts loudly: waiter, have you ever opened to rush greatly?The 扬 grows but takes.The 奥拓 can not defy.Soon after, front traffic accident, the driver of 奥拓 joins a crowd for fun, rushing driver to lie greatly on the bottom, the moan asks of 曰 :waiter, have you ever opened to rush greatly?Which is the brake ?