I stand alone in the darkness ............ 我独自伫立在黑暗中
The winter of my life came so fast ....... 生命的寒冬如此快到来
Memories go back to childhood ............ 记忆把我带回童年
to days I still recall ................... 到那些我仍能忆起的日子
Oh how happy I was then ? ................ 那时的我多么快乐啊
There was no sorrow there was no pain..... 那里没有悲伤 那里没有痛苦
Walking through the green fields ......... 穿行于绿色的田野间
Sunshine in my eyes ...................... 阳光充满我的眼睛(放眼望去,阳光洒满大地)
I’m still there everywhere .............. 我还停留在那里 每个角落
I’m the dust in the wind ................ 我是风中的尘埃(我是风中的某粒尘埃)
I’m the star in the northern sky ........ 我是北天中的某颗星
I never stayed anywhere .................. 我从不在任何地方逗留
I’m the wind in the trees ............... 我是林间的轻风(我是流淌在林间的轻风)
Would you wait for me forever? ........... 你回永远等着我吗(将儿时候的景观拟人化--你)
I’m still there everywhere .............. 我还停留在那里 每个角落
I’m the dust in the wind ................ 我是风中的尘埃(我是风中的某一粒尘埃)
I’m the star in the northern sky ........ 我是北天中的某颗星
I never stayed anywhere .................. 我从不在任何地方逗留
I’m the wind in the trees ............... 我是林间的轻风
Would you wait for me forever? ........... 你会永远等着我吗
Will you wait for me forever? ........... 你会永远等着我吗?