1.He is the man ( )grows many flowers in his garden.
此句的从句部分属于什么从句〔表语从句(有这个麽)? 定语? 主语?〕
应该填什么?〔who?that? 省略亦可?〕
2.This is the boy I'm interested in/This is the boy whom I'm interested in/This is the boy in whom I interested. 哪(几)个正确?
PS 对自己的答案负责.
參考答案:1.He is the man who grows many flowers in his garden.
This is the boy I'm interested in
This is the boy whom I'm interested in.
This is the boy in whom I interested.
All are 3 sentences are correct. It means basically the same thing. Its understood without any problem.
This is how English is spoken. Do not try to analysis it too much. English is a language. How its spoken, is basically a means of communication. English, just like Chinese, are language share within a culture and how its spoken, is set by habit and practice between people.