1.Application fee (non-refundable): $175.00(申请费175美元,不会退还的,我觉得可能要用支票或者信用卡来支付吧)
2.ALI Application form: online | printable pdf(申请表,可以在这里下载)
Note: If you do not need an I-20 form, page #2 of the application is not required.(如果你不需要I-20表格,申请表的第二页就不需要了)
3. Current bank statement with existing funds in the account(现有帐户,里面已经有一定的资金)
4. Affidavit of Financial Support (if bank statement is not in student’s name)(资金的书面证书,如果银行账户不是你的名字)
5. Photocopy of passport (if available)(护照的复印件)
Applicants transferring from another school in the U.S. to the ALI must also include:6. F-1 Student Transfer Form
7. Photocopies of your current I-20, passport, visa, and I-94 card
American Language Institute
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-1914 U.S.A.
Phone: 619-594-5907
Fax: 619-287-2735
E-mail: ali@mail.sdsu.edu