3、 基本掌握切丁机的安装与操作,对所有切丁产品的规格有所掌握;
4、 通过李志主管的详细讲解,使我对包装车间目前人员组织架构进行深入了解,对于重点岗位人员编制及新老员工岗位分工编制进行熟悉;
參考答案:3. I am able to config and use chopping machine, and familiar with all standards of chopping products.
4. understand the personnel constructure of the workshop and some rules regarding the key position and division of different jobs.
“通过李志主管的详细讲解”这半句没有实际意义,你如果非想要的话就在最后加上after the patient explaination of Mr. Li Zhi. 好了