Stotts et al. developed a ‘hypervideo’ system that used video projectors to support distributed pair programming(distributed pair programming,专有词汇。指两人在不同地理位置利用协作工作完成同一编程任务). With this system, each partner would work
in a specially equipped office that contained two video projection systems. One of the systems would project the shared screen image on the wall in front of the user. The second projection system displayed a real-time image of the remote partner on one of the side walls. When the partners wanted to discuss something, they would ‘look’ at each other by turning toward the image of their partner.
Stotts believed that this would allow for more natural interactions between the separated partners. Although some initial evaluation of the system was done,no empirical studies were completed. This work has been superseded by the dual
face-top system described next.
參考答案:Stotts 及其研究同仁。 发展了‘ hypervideo' 系统旧的图像投影器到支承分配了对方案研拟( 由于这个系统分配了对规画每个合夥人会作工
在一特别地装备了包含了二个图像的投影系统的营业处。 系统之一会在~之前使用者在墙上投射被分享的屏风像。 第二个投影系统显示了旁的墙壁之一上的间接合夥人的一个即时像。 当合夥人招请讨论某物, 他们‘会看吗'在彼此藉由向他们的合夥人的像转。
Stotts 相信这会考虑到在被分开的合夥人之间的比较自然的互相作用。 虽然系统的评价被做的一些起始,不经验研究是完成。 这个工户有被替代被那双重的
面- 顶系统然后描述。