The error standards of the inspection & judgement caused the non-conformity of chemical ingredients and fails to reach the requirement of mechanical performance.
Fill in inspection results sheets, clerify the material, and mark the material in the samples for every batch.
Spectral analysis and mechanical performance testing for every batch.
Clerify the inspection scheme in the inspection documents.
The deviation of forming from printing results in scrap of the products.
Make the shape and size of the product accord with the drawing, the arc after forming should be in accordance with the sample, and the printing products should be in accordance with the forming without surface damage.
7. 把薄膜覆盖在产品表面.用370×230×120的纸箱包装.每箱1250个产品.
Cover the film on the products, then package them in 370×230×120 mm paper canton with 1250 products per canton.
8. 影响标牌与塑盖的粘接,顾客不满意.
(Something) affects the adhesiveness between the trademark and the plastic cover, which results in the disagreement of our customers.
9. 成型时模具内有杂物.
Impurities exists in the molds during the course of forming.
10. 成型深度没有到位
Fail to reach the standard forming depth.
11. 对操作工每半年进行视力检查.
Conduct visual test for the operators every half year.
12. 与运输公司联系轻拿、轻放纸箱上面不放重物
Put the cantons up & down softly by communicating with transportation companies, and heavy matters should not be placed on them.
The size of the toaling holes should accord with the requirement to ensure the accordance of forming and printing.
14. 定位孔位置不符
The position of the toaling holes do not accord with the requirement.
15. 复膜皱拆不平
Crimple laminate.