玛丽厌倦了穿红色的衣服。(TIRED OF)
我不会跟你撒慌,那不是我的风格。(TELL LIES)
我认为你应当去看医生。(OUGHT TO)
我欠吉姆钱。(IN DEBT)
我希望能摆脱这场感冒,两三天来我一直咳嗽。(GET RID OF)
那东西没用—你把它扔了吧。(THROW AWAY)
她靠在酒吧唱歌谋生。(EARN ONE’S LIVING)
參考答案:1. Mary is tired of wearing red colored clothes.
2. I won't tell lies with you because that's not my style.
3. I think you aught to see a doctor.
4. I am in debt to Jim.
5. I hope I can get rid of the coldness, and I have been coupgh for a couple of days.
6. Since those things are useless, please throw them away.
7. They stood there glaring at each other angrily.
8. She is earning (making) her living by singing in the pub.
9. Every year, (our company) will spend a great amount of money on advertising.
10. Everybody has his own weakness.