1.add,add to 的区别
2.Few pleasures can equal (that)of a cool drink on a hot day.为什么是that,而不是those,any,some?
3.Taking this medicine,if (continued),will of course do good to our health.中的continued是过去分词,还是动词过去式?if continued,省略了什么?是不是插入语?
4.when hearing 是不是when sb is hearing的省略句?能不能省略成when sb was hearing?when hearing与on hearing的区别?
5.anything the matter?是什么的省略?
6.get to do sth ,get sth done,的区别
7.有没有though lacking in ....这个短语?
8.有没有expect doing
參考答案:我查了一下,if continued补充完整是if taking this medicine is continued ,为什么不能是if taking this medicine is continuing 这样一省略,就变成了if continuing,我查了一下,有这个例子:This process will continue.这种进程会继续下去。This trend will continue这个趋势将继续下去。既然趋势,进程都能主动继续下去,那为什么taking this medicine 不能主动继续下去?对呀