秦始皇(前259-前210),嬴姓 ,名政,秦庄襄王 之子,中国历史上杰出的政治家 、军事家、统帅。 中国统一的秦王朝的开国皇帝。嬴政 13岁即王位,39岁称帝。战国 末年,秦国 实力最强,已具备统一东方六国的条件。自公元前230年至前221年,先后灭韩 、魏 、楚 、燕 、赵 、齐 六国,终于建立了中国历史 上第一个统一的、多民族的、专制主义中央集权 制国家--秦朝
大家帮帮我拉!! 谢谢!
參考答案:Chin Shihhuang (first 259- first 210), Ying surname, famous politics, Qin Zhuangxiang king, in Chinese history outstanding statesman, strategist, commander. China unifies the Qin dynasty founds a country emperor. The Ying politics 13 years old are the throne, 39 years old proclaim oneself emperor. The Warring States last years, the Qin country strength is strongest, has had unifies the Eastern six countries' the conditions. From 230 B.C. to previous 221 years, successively extinguishes Han, Wei, Chu, the swallow, Zhao, the uneven six countries, finally has established in the Chinese history first unified, multi- national, the autocracy central collection 权制 country -- Qin dynasty