The determination of material parameters of
microcomponents using digital holography
S.Seebacher, W.Osten*, T.Baumbach, W.J .uptner
BIAS, Bremer Institut f . ur Angewandte Strahltechnik, Klagenfurter Str. 2, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Progresses in microsystem technology promise a lot of new applications in industry and
research.However, the increased complexity of the microsystems demand sensitive and robust
measurement techniques.Fullfield and non invasive methods are desirable to get access to
spatially resolved material properties and parameters.
This contribution describes a simple and fast interferometric method for the analysis of
shape and deformation of small objects by optical means.These quantities together with a well
defined loading of the components can be the starting point for the determination of material
parameters like Poisson-ratio, Young’s modulus or the thermal expansion coefficient.
參考答案:利用数码全息成像摄影来确定微观构成的物质参数。S.Seebacher, W.Osten*, T.Baumbach, W.J .uptner
BIAS, Bremer Institut f . ur Angewandte Strahltechnik, Klagenfurter Str. 2, D-28359 不来梅,德国