Lanvin意大利 1867
诞生于 1867 年的 Jeanne Lanvin ,不仅在十八世纪创立了以她为名的 LANVIN 品牌,更由于她个人对于艺术特有的热爱与涵养, LANVIN 的时尚王国从不盲从流行。
D&G意大利 1985
从 DOLCE&GABBANA 复古、华丽、宗教气息的精神延伸而来,副牌 D &G 一样充满了浪漫的南意大利风情,自 94 年他创立来至今,已经成为了全世界年轻人向往欧洲风格的流行标志。
Louis Vuitton法国 1896
从设计最初到现在,印有“ LV ”标志这一独特图案的交织字母帆布包,伴随着丰富的传奇色彩和雅典的设计而成为时尚之经典。 100 年来,世界经历了很多变化,人们的追求和审美观念也随之而改变,但路易·威登不但声誉卓然,而今保持着无与伦比的魅力。
Calvin klein美国 1968
Calvin Klein 一直坚守完美主义,每一件 Calvin Klein 时装都显得非常完美。因为体现了十足的纽约生活方式, Calvin Klein 的服装成为了新一代职业妇女品牌选择中的最爱。
Gucci 古驰意大利 1923
Anna sui 安娜苏纽约 1980
Versace意大利 1978
Dior法国 1946
克里斯汀·迪奥(简称 CD ),一直是炫丽的高级女装的代名词。他选用高档的华丽、上乘的面料表现出耀眼、光彩夺目的华丽与高雅女装,倍受时装界关注高。
Hugo Boss德国 1923
BOSS 的服装线条鲜明,充满了典雅时尚的设计感,不极端保守也不会极端前卫,但对材质的要求却是一丝不苟。
Chanel 夏奈儿法国 1913
创始人Gabrielle Chanel夏奈尔于1913年在法国巴黎创立夏奈尔,夏奈尔产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她香水与时装。
MARCCAI德国 1963
MARCCAI源于一个神奇的仲夏夜之梦: 一个伟岸、成熟、充满魅力的男人驾驶着一辆鲜红的法拉利跑车疾驰在美国迈阿密的林阴大道上。音乐伴着法拉利弥漫飞扬。
Lanvin Italy 1867
Jeanne Lanvin was born in 1867, she founded the trademark under her name “The Lanvin” in the 18th century, and because of her special enthusiasm to arts, Lanvin’s fashion world never follows the trend blindly.
Carry forward the good tradition of the vintage, gorgeous, religious flavored DOLCE&GABBANA, D &G is also full of the romantics of South Italy. From its foundation in 1994, D &G has become the trend mark of European style for youngsters all over the world.
Louis VuittonFrance 1896
From the beginning to today, bags with the logo “LV” becomes the classic along with its romantic colors and design. In this one hundred years, the world change a lot, so do people’s pursuit and sense of aesthetic, but Louis Vuitton remained its reputation and kept on shining till now.
Calvin kleinU.S.A 1968
Calvin Klein believes in perfect. Every item of Calvin Klein looks perfect as well. Calvin Klein becomes favorites of the new-generation-working wives for it fully reflects a New York-style life.
Gucci Italy 1923
Famous as high-class, luxurious and sexual, Gucci was chosen by the rich, upper class people to symbolize their status and fortune. Gucci becomes business men’s favorite for it possesses both vogue and elegance.
Chanel France 1913
Gabrielle Chanel founded the logo in Paris, 1913. Chanel provided plenty of goods, ranging from costume to jewelry, from accessories to cosmetics and perfumes, each of them is famous all over the world. Perfume and costume are the most significant.
DiorFrance 1946
Christian Dior (CD for short), always represents the exclusive female clothes. CD uses the best fabric to show the shining and splendid of female clothes which is favored by the fashion fields.