川菜起源于中国古代巴、蜀两国,经商、周、秦而汉晋形成了初步 轮廓,唐宋间又有发展,直至清代末期得以成熟,前后经历三千余年,成为中国饮食文化四大主要流派之一,在海内外享有崇高声誉。
川菜,顾名思义,四川的菜,川菜的积淀是及其深厚的,菜式多样,口味清鲜醇浓并重。川菜文化是居于吃的文化,吃是一种艺术,此艺术反映了一个民族 ,一个国家文明的程度的高低。
具有浓郁地方色彩的川菜,是中国四大菜系之一,主要由重庆、成都及川北、川南的地方风味名特菜肴组成。 川菜的烹制方法有煎、炒、炸、爆、熘、煸、炝、烘、烤、炖、烧、煮、烩、焖、、氽、烫、煨、蒸、卤、冲、拌、渍、泡、冻、生煎、小炒、干煸、 干烧、鲜熘、酥炸、软、旱蒸、油淋、糟醉、炸收、锅贴等近40大类3000余种。
酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、鲜、香、麻、淡。复合型难以胜计,目前只归纳为50 种左右:
一、 酸味型:酸辣、酸甜、姜醋、茄汁。
二、 甜味型:甜香、荔枝、甜咸。
三、 咸味型:咸香、咸酸、咸辣、酱香、腐乳、怪味。
四、 辣味型:胡辣、香辣、芥末、鱼香、蒜泥、家常。
五、 香味型:葱香、酒香、糟香、蒜香、椒香、五香、十香、麻酱、花香、清香、果香、奶香、烟香、糊香、腊香、孜然、陈皮、咖喱、姜汁、芝麻、冷香、臭香。
六、 鲜味型:咸鲜、蚝油、蟹黄、鲜香。
七、 麻味型:咸麻、麻辣。
八、 苦味型:咸苦、苦香。
九、 淡味型:淡香、本味。
參考答案:Sichuan bus originated in ancient China, Shu two, doing business, Zhou, Qin and a preliminary outline of the Han, Tang and Song Dynasties between the developer, be mature until the end of the Qing Dynasty, took over 3,000 years, the Chinese food culture has become one of the four main schools. enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. Sichuan, as the name implies, Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan is the inertia and deep, diverse dishes, Landscape both refreshing taste. Sichuan culture is a living eating culture, eating is an art, the art reflects a nation. the extent of a country's level of civilization. Sichuan is rich in local color, is one of China's four branches, mainly from Chongqing, Chengdu and northern Sichuan. n and the special dishes were composed of local flavor. Sichuan cooking methods are fried, fry, bombing, explosions, quick-fry, speeding, cook in soy, bake, bake, stewed, baked, cooked, the concoction, a little, and boil for a short time. hot, simmer, steam, halogen, dash white, saturate, and soaked, cold, Shengjian, starch, dry speeding, the ingredients fresh Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Suzha, soft, dry steam, paint, bad drunk. admission bombing, fried dumpling nearly 3,000 more than 40 major categories. As one of China's four major branches of Sichuan in China occupies an important position in the history of cooking. It is based on a wide range of seasonings changes, the dishes are varied, Landscape both refreshing taste to use a spicy, With his unique cooking methods and the strong local flavor of the renowned, A history of Chinese food culture and civilization has become a splendid and colorful pearl. Kozo Law in three three seven nine miscellaneous Bawei AIDS. What is this? This is a Sichuanese characteristics. Eat in China, in Sichuan flavor. However, this does not mean that other branches did not mean or mean less, not that, we have better eating precision everywhere. casually which has its own local flavor rich, unique flavor, the flavor should be proud. Szechuan styles of cooking and the flavor of a typical representative of the motherland. In the end mean that the number of species in this world? No one can say that all I can say for sure that there is a rich person in exile Yi carry forward the spirit children and grandchildren lie incomplete generation has got to eat, why? Nature can produce odorous substances are 20 to 40 million, with 200 to 400 people can identify the species. Chinese cooking up to 500% of the condiment. Properties can be divided into two basic and complex type. Nine basic types : acid, sweet, hard, hot, salty, Korea, Hong Ma, desalination. Compound difficult to statistics, only 50% into : 1-Sour : hot and sour, sweet and sour, Study on production of ginger vinegar, ketchup. Second, sweet types : sweet, litchi, a mixture. Third, befuddled type : Xianxiang salty acid, Xianla, Maotai, the fermented bean curd, peculiar. Fourth, Hu : peppery-spicy, fragrant and hot, mustard, Stir, mashed garlic and fruit. 5 : Sweet-scented wine is, a mess of Hong Suanxiang, Law, incense, spices, 10 incense, sesame, Flower, incense, fruit incense, in color, breathing incense, paste incense, Philip incense, cumin, Citrus, curry, ginger juice, sesame seeds, Lengxiang, smell incense. 6 : delicious flavor type, oyster sauce, Method of this month, stipulations. 7 Ma Ma : salty taste, and fold. 8 bitterness type : hardship, hardship incense. 9 : mild short-Hong, the flavor. Then, the three Kozo Law in three Sichuan, seven AIDS Bawei 9 Miscellaneous what? Three incense is onions, ginger, garlic, hot peppers is Sansho, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, three were expected vinegar, soy bean paste Pixian County, Laozaoping in Chongqing. Need cooking sauce, it is universal truth, but the truth is Sansho the renovation, The flavor is further expanded, especially Sichuanese trying to get this Sansho the Mood, a seven Bawei AIDS. created a world-renowned style. AIDS is 7 : acid, sweet, hard, hot, Ma, pungent, incense, Chatham. Bawei means : Stir, spicy, hot and sour, ingredients and style -- oil, peculiar, Law, Ma. 9 refers to miscellaneous materials, miscellaneous. BaShu ancient name of Sichuan, is known as "the land of abundance" in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, a mild climate, abundant rainfall, mountains, rivers criss-crossing produces grain, vegetables and fruits seasons constant, livestock and poultry species range, deep bioherms production Bear Mountain, deer, river deer, Roe deer, Tremella, Cordyceps. Edible bamboo shoots Game, rivers and lakes another group Jiang AGB fish, rock carp, Chinese sturgeon. Superiority of the natural product of rich resources for the formation and development of Sichuan dishes provide favorable conditions.