<<Secret Garden>>曲风糅合爱尔兰凯尔特民谣,挪威传统民歌及古典音乐等多种不同音乐形态。其每一张专辑都可以说是他们的代表作,和缓忧郁的曲风中浸含着浓浓的古典韵味。优雅抒情且不经意流泻出的哀愁,哀而不伤,像一片随风舞动的叶子,一不留神便会飘落你情感的漩涡之中!
參考答案:"<Secret Garden>> they all Irish Celtic folk art, traditional Norwegian folk music and classical music, and so many different forms. Each of their albums can be said is that they were made, mild depression they all left deep leaching of classical beauty. Also casually elegant lyric of the flow of sadness and grief without injury, as was the wind dancing leaves you a moment's inattention will be floated down to the emotional maelstrom