储备金项目:reserve items
国家储备金:state reserve fund
一般储备金: general reserve
业务储备金: operational reserve
重点储备项目:major stocking item
1. noncash item
2. non-cash entries
3. non-cash items
现金项目: cash items
1. 储备金额为预防不测而存留的资金数额
The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities.
2. 如果情形坏到极点,我们还有些储备金可动用。
If worst comes to the worst, we still have some money in reserve.
3. 动用储备金来弥补赤字。
Indent on reserves to cover the deficit
1. item
2. project
3. sports event
Relative explainations:
<items> <line item> <particular> <article> <programer> <subject of entry> <term(ination)> <going project>
1. 我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.
2. 你知道那个新项目吗?
Did you hear about the new project?
3. 这些项目是根据其重要性排列的。
The items are listed in order of importance.
4. 那个项目的改造已经完成。
The transformation of that project has been finished.
5. 委员会的支持是该项目取得成功的一个重要因素。
The committee's support is an important factor in the success of the project.
6. 他们的研究项目实用价值很有限。
Their research project has limited practical utility.
7. 海外贸易成为主要的项目。
The overseas trade has become the main project.
8. 政府已经批准了这个项目。
The government has ratified the project.