Install manual
One The product explain
This product from become all the east SOVO in soft information technical college-green soft company research development, pursue studies the outside of school language to teach to grind room to aim at the outside teach the employment contact how to make terrace.The copyright is a necessarily.
Two The software that product need
JAVA jdk1.5 SQLServer2000 TOMCAT
Three Installation steps
1、Install the JAVA jdk 1.5.
2、The gearing database SQLServer2000, install to get stripe to repair D SQLP4.Establishment new database, named HighCrest, set up form, there is script, can in the search the analytical machine automatically born
3、Install SQLServe2000 JDBCses
4、Install Tomcat.
[Install all usages to recognize tacitly path above]
5、After install open C:\the Program Files\the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC\lib Clip this document bottom of three documents make duplicate to the C:\ProgramFiles\Tomcat 5.0\common\the lib document clip bottom
6, Open C:\the Program Files\Java\jdk 1.5.0_04 documents clip, making duplicate the tools.jar document to the C:\ProgramFiles\Tomcat 5.0\common\the lib document clip a bottom.
7, Open C:\ProgramFiles\Tomcat 5.0\conf\Catalina\the localhost document clipped the admin.xml document, overlaying following code among them all contentses:
Among them*****Is the database password, the customer wants to
establish to be for the gearing database of password.
8、Put the document that the software package solution press to open to the C:\ProgramFiles\Tomcat 5.0\the webapps document clip a bottom.