原文:Man says to Rabbi, what do you do with all your circumcised foreskins ?Rabbi says "nothing you can have them if you want them,"So the man takes them and makes a wallet out of themThe Rabbi said to him "why did you make a wallet out of them?"The man says "it's not just any old wallet, if you stroke it, it turns into a suitcase."谁给翻译为汉语
參考答案:男人对犹太的法学博士说话, 你对你所有的被包皮行割礼的做什么 ?
犹太的法学博士说 "无如果你想要他们,你能有他们 ,"
犹太的法学博士对他说, "你为什么他们了解一个皮夹 ?"
男人说, "它不是仅仅任何旧的皮夹,如果你划尾桨它,它变成一件手提箱 ."